Technical Committee PNNI Addendum for Path and Connection Trace Version 1.0 af-cs-0141.000 March, 2000 (c) 2000 by The ATM Forum. This specification/document may be reproduced and distributed in whole, but (except as provided in the next sentence) not in part, for internal and informational use only and not for commercial distribution. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, any protocol implementation conformance statements (PICS) or implementation conformance statements (ICS) contained in this specification/document may be separately reproduced and distributed provided that it is reproduced and distributed in whole, but not in part, for uses other than commercial distribution. All other rights reserved. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no part of this specification/document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of The ATM Forum. The information in this publication is believed to be accurate as of its publication date. Such information is subject to change without notice and The ATM Forum is not responsible for any errors. The ATM Forum does not assume any responsibility to update or correct any information in this publication. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, neither The ATM Forum nor the publisher make any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the completeness, accuracy, or applicability of any information contained in this publication. No liability of any kind shall be assumed by The ATM Forum or the publisher as a result of reliance upon any information contained in this publication. The receipt or any use of this document or its contents does not in any way create by implication or otherwise: ï Any express or implied license or right to or under any ATM Forum member company's patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret rights which are or may be associated with the ideas, techniques, concepts or expressions contained herein; nor ï Any warranty or representation that any ATM Forum member companies will announce any product(s) and/or service(s) related thereto, or if such announcements are made, that such announced product(s) and/or service(s) embody any or all of the ideas, technologies, or concepts contained herein; nor ï Any form of relationship between any ATM Forum member companies and the recipient or user of this document. Implementation or use of specific ATM standards or recommendations and ATM Forum specifications will be voluntary, and no company shall agree or be obliged to implement them by virtue of participation in The ATM Forum. The ATM Forum is a non-profit international organization accelerating industry cooperation on ATM technology. The ATM Forum does not, expressly or otherwise, endorse or promote any specific products or services. NOTE: The user's attention is called to the possibility that implementation of the ATM interoperability specification contained herein may require use of an invention covered by patent rights held by ATM Forum Member companies or others. By publication of this ATM interoperability specification, no position is taken by The ATM Forum with respect to validity of any patent claims or of any patent rights related thereto or the ability to obtain the license to use such rights. ATM Forum Member companies agree to grant licenses under the relevant patents they own on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms and conditions to applicants desiring to obtain such a license. For additional information contact: The ATM Forum Worldwide Headquarters 2570 West El Camino Real, Suite 304 Mountain View, CA 94040-1313 Tel: +1-650-949-6700 Fax: +1-650-949-6705 Preface During preparation of this addendum, the Control Signalling working group was chaired by Malcolm Wiles and his successor Gert Oster. The minutes at related working group meetings were recorded by Gert Oster and his successor Thomas Cornely. The editors of this addendum were Gregory F. Wetzel, W. Tony Lau, E. Mickey Spiegel, and Shawn McAllister. The editors would like to thank the following contributors for their help with this addendum as well as all participants of the Control Signalling working group for the many days and evenings spent discussing this addendum: Sirak Bahlbi David Cypher Katherine Chan Robert B. Dianda Andrew Dolganow Josef Ferchenbauer Per Ferngren Gilad Goren Daniel Hernandez-Ortega W. Tony Lau Gerhard Maegerl Shawn McAllister Roger Morley Gert Oster Lew Park Ronald Parker E. Mickey Spiegel Ted Tedijanto Gregory F. Wetzel This specification uses three levels for indicating the degree of compliance necessary for specific functions, procedures, or coding. They are indicated by the use of key words as follows: * Requirement: "Shall" indicates a required function, procedure, or coding necessary for compliance. The word "shall" used in text indicates a conditional requirement when the operation described is dependent on whether or not an objective or option is chosen. * Objective: "Should" indicates an objective which is not required for compliance, but which is considered desirable. * Option: "May" indicates an optional operation without implying a desirability of one operation over another. That is, it identifies an operation that is allowed while still maintaining compliance. Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Scope 1 2 TERMINOLOGY 3 2.1 Acronyms 3 2.2 Definitions 3 3 INFORMATION ELEMENTS 5 3.1 Trace Transit List 5 3.2 Rules for Interpreting the Trace Transit List Information Element 14 4 PATH TRACE 16 4.1 Path Trace Description 16 4.2 Additions to PNNI Signalling Messages 22 4.2.1 CONNECT 22 4.2.2 RELEASE 22 4.2.3 RELEASE COMPLETE 22 4.2.4 SETUP 23 4.2.5 ADD PARTY 23 4.2.6 ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE 23 4.2.7 ADD PARTY REJECT 24 4.2.8 DROP PARTY 24 4.2.9 CO-BI SETUP 24 4.3 Path Trace Procedures 25 4.3.1 Processing SETUP, CO-BI SETUP and ADD PARTY Messages 25 4.3.2 Path Trace Clearing At The Trace Destination Node 27 4.3.3 Procedures at a Node Initiating Call Clearing 28 4.3.4 Procedures at a Node Receiving a Call Clearing Message 29 4.3.5 Procedures at a Node Receiving a Call Accept Message 32 4.3.6 Trace Transit List Information Element Content Validation 32 4.3.7 Length Errors 32 4.4 Compatibility with Nodes Not Supporting This Feature 33 5 CONNECTION TRACE 34 5.1 Connection Trace Description 34 5.2 Messages 36 5.2.1 TRACE CONNECTION 37 5.2.2 TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE 37 5.3 Connection Trace Procedures 37 5.3.1 Processing a TRACE CONNECTION Message 38 5.3.2 Processing a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE Message 40 5.3.3 Length Errors 40 5.4 Compatibility with Nodes Not Supporting This Feature 41 6 REFERENCES 42 ANNEX A PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION CONFORMANCE STATEMENT (PICS) FOR PNNI 1.0 PATH TRACE 43 A.1 Introduction 43 A.1.1 Scope 43 A.1.2 Normative References 43 A.1.3 Definitions 43 A.1.4 Acronyms 43 A.1.5 Conformance 43 A.2 Identification of the Implementation 43 A.3 PICS Proforma 43 A.3.1 Global statement of conformance 43 A.3.2 Instructions for Completing the PICS Proforma 43 A.3.3 Major Capability (MC) 43 A.3.4 Subsidiary Capabilities (SC) 43 A.3.5 Trace Transit List Format (TTLF) 43 A.3.6 Procedures and Errors for Path Trace (PEPT) 43 A.3.7 General Errors and Compatibility (GEC) 43 A.3.8 Supported Messages (Message structure) (MS) 43 ANNEX B PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION CONFORMANCE STATEMENT (PICS) FOR PNNI 1.0 CONNECTION TRACE 43 B.1 Introduction 43 B.1.1 Scope 43 B.1.2 Normative References 43 B.1.3 Definitions 43 B.1.4 Acronyms 43 B.1.5 Conformance 43 B.2 Identification of the Implementation 43 B.3 PICS Proforma 43 B.3.1 Global statement of conformance 43 B.3.2 Instructions for Completing the PICS Proforma 43 B.3.3 Major Capability (MC) 43 B.3.4 Subsidiary Capabilities (SC) 43 B.3.5 Trace Transit List Format (TTLF) 43 B.3.6 Messages for Connection Trace (MCT) 43 B.3.7 Procedures and Errors for Connection Trace (PECT) 43 B.3.8 Compatibility of Connection Trace (CCT) 43 ANNEX C PATH AND CONNECTION TRACE SNMP MIB 43 Table of Figures FIGURE 3-1 TRACE TRANSIT LIST INFORMATION ELEMENT 8 FIGURE 4-1 SAMPLE MESSAGE SEQUENCE FOR PATH TRACE FOR A USER-INITIATED POINT-TO-POINT SVC BETWEEN ATM ENDPOINTS (WITHOUT CALL CLEARING AT THE TRACE DESTINATION NODE) 17 FIGURE 4-2 SAMPLE MESSAGE SEQUENCE FOR PATH TRACE FOR NETWORK INITIATED CONNECTIONS (SOFT PVCS) BETWEEN FRAME RELAY ENDPOINTS (WITHOUT CALL CLEARING AT THE TRACE DESTINATION NODE) 19 FIGURE 4-3 SAMPLE MESSAGE SEQUENCE FOR PATH TRACE WITH CALL CLEARING AT THE TRACE DESTINATION NODE 20 FIGURE 4-4 ADDITIONAL CONNECT MESSAGE CONTENT 22 FIGURE 4-5 ADDITIONAL RELEASE MESSAGE CONTENT 22 FIGURE 4-6 ADDITIONAL RELEASE COMPLETE MESSAGE CONTENT 23 FIGURE 4-7 ADDITIONAL SETUP MESSAGE CONTENT 23 FIGURE 4-8 ADDITIONAL ADD PARTY MESSAGE CONTENT 23 FIGURE 4-9 ADDITIONAL ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE MESSAGE CONTENT 23 FIGURE 4-10 ADDITIONAL ADD PARTY REJECT MESSAGE CONTENT 24 FIGURE 4-11 ADDITIONAL DROP PARTY MESSAGE CONTENT 24 FIGURE 4-12 ADDITIONAL CO-BI SETUP MESSAGE CONTENT 24 FIGURE 5-1 SAMPLE MESSAGE SEQUENCE FOR CONNECTION TRACE TOWARDS THE CALLED PARTY 34 FIGURE 5-2 SAMPLE MESSAGE SEQUENCE FOR CONNECTION TRACE TOWARDS THE CALLING PARTY 36 FIGURE 5-3 TRACE CONNECTION MESSAGE CONTENTS 37 FIGURE 5-4 TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE MESSAGE CONTENTS 37 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview [INFORMATIVE] This addendum to PNNI v1.0 "Private Network-Network Interface Specification Version 1.0" [1] contains the description and specification of the Path and Connection Trace features. The Path and Connection Trace features provide control plane mechanisms that can be used to quickly and efficiently determine the logical nodes and logical links that new and existing connections traverse. This information is typically used for network management, in particular to debug network faults. Path Trace and Connection Trace are two separate features. They do not interact with each other. For both Path and Connection Trace, the trace is initiated at the "trace source node", although the connection or party may have been initiated upstream from the trace source node, and tracing terminates at the "trace destination node", although the connection or party may progress beyond the trace destination node. The Path Trace feature is used for new connections and parties in the process of being established. Tracing may be initiated by network management for the sole purpose of determining paths that new connections and parties might take. Alternatively, these can be connections and parties that are already being established for other purposes (e.g. they may be traced to trouble shoot connection establishment problems). In the former case, the connection or party typically is never established; when the trace destination node is reached, the connection or party may be cleared rather than being connected. The Path Trace feature does not require new messages but requires the addition of the new Trace transit list information element to several PNNI signalling messages, including SETUP, ADD PARTY, CONNECT, ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE, RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY and ADD PARTY REJECT. The Path Trace feature requires new procedures in addition to the standard PNNI call and connection control procedures. The Connection Trace feature is used to collect information on existing connections and parties that have already been established. The Connection Trace feature requires two new messages, TRACE CONNECTION and TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE, and one new information element, the Trace transit list information element. The Connection Trace feature does not interact with existing call and connection control messages and procedures. 1.2 Scope [NORMATIVE] The scope of this document is to specify control plane mechanisms that can be used to quickly and efficiently determine the logical nodes and logical links that new and existing connections traverse in PNNI networks. Additional information such as connection identifiers (e.g. VPIs and VCIs) may also be collected. Path and connection trace are separate optional features of PNNI v1.0 [1]. A switch supporting path trace shall implement both the path trace procedures for Point-to-Point calls and the path trace procedures for Point-to-Multipoint calls. The switch shall support path tracing of virtual channel connections (SVCCs, soft PVCCs) and virtual path connections (SVPCs, soft PVPCs). A switch supporting connection trace shall implement both the connection trace procedures for Point-to-Point calls and the connection trace procedures for Point-to-Multipoint calls. The switch shall support connection tracing of virtual channel connections (SVCCs, soft PVCCs) and virtual path connections (SVPCs, soft PVPCs). The decision of whether to trace a new or existing connection or party is controlled through network configuration. One configuration mechanism is defined in this specification as the path and connection trace SNMP MIB. Usage of the resulting trace information is outside the scope of this specification. 2 Terminology [NORMATIVE] 2.1 Acronyms AINI ATM Inter-Network Interface ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode B-ICI B-ISDN Inter Carrier Interface CO-BI Connection-Oriented, Bearer-Independent DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier DTL Designated Transit List ID Identifier IISP Interim Inter-switch Signaling Protocol ITU-T International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication standardization sector IUT Implementation Under Test MIB Management Information Base OUI Organizational Unique Identifier PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement PNNI Private Network-Network Interface QoS Quality of Service Soft PVC Soft Permanent Virtual Connection SUT System Under Test SVC Switched Virtual Connection TTL Trace Transit List UNI User-Network Interface VCI Virtual Channel Identifier VPC Virtual Path Connection VPCI Virtual Path Connection Identifier VPI Virtual Path Identifier 2.2 Definitions Connection Trace A control plane mechanism that determines the logical nodes and logical links traversed by existing connections and parties that have already been established, and supporting mechanisms that provide this information to network management systems. Path Trace A control plane mechanism that determines the logical nodes and logical links traversed by new connections and parties in the process of being established, and supporting mechanisms that provide this information to network management systems. Trace Destination Node The node at which connection trace or path trace is terminated for a given connection, when the trace completes normally. A trace destination node is a node whose outgoing interface for the connection is a trace destination interface Trace Destination Interface An interface on which a path or connection trace terminates when it completes normally. This interface is defined by any one of three conditions: 1. this interface directly supports the called party number (for path trace and connection trace towards the called party) or calling party number (for connection trace towards the calling party), e.g. Soft PVC called or calling party, 2. the next interface which the connection or party traverses (for connection trace), or the next interface on which the connection or party would be progressed towards the called party (for path trace), is not a PNNI interface (e.g., UNI, AINI, B-ICI, IISP), or 3. the next interface which the connection or party traverses (for connection trace), or the next interface on which the connection or party would be progressed towards the called party (for path trace), is administratively designated as a trace destination interface. Trace Source Node The node at which connection trace or path trace is initiated for a given connection. This node inserts a new Trace transit list information element into a SETUP or ADD PARTY message (for path trace), or originates a new TRACE CONNECTION message (for connection trace). Trace Source Interface The interface at the trace source node that is (administratively) designated as the starting point for path or connection trace of a given connection. Saved Original Trace Transit List The Trace transit list information element saved on the node after the ingress data has been encoded in the trace (either successfully or not). Saved Modified Trace Transit List The Trace transit list information element saved on the node after both ingress and egress data has been encoded in the trace (either successfully or not). 3 Information Elements The following information element definition is common for both the path trace and connection trace features. 3.1 Trace Transit List [NORMATIVE] The purpose of the Trace transit list information element is to indicate the logical nodes and logical links that a connection or party has traversed through peer groups at the lowest level. Sections 4 and 5 describe the messages and procedures for constructing trace transit lists. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Octet Trace transit list 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 (Note 1) Information element identifier 1 ext Coding standard IE Instruction Field 2 Length of trace transit list contents 3 Length of trace transit list contents (continued) 4 C X V A Spare 5 (Note 2) Flags Trace status 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 7* (Note 1) Trace Source logical port indicator Trace Source logical port identifier 7.1* to 7.4* 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 8* (Notes 1, 3, 4) VPI/VCI indicator VPI 8.1* VPI (continued) 8.2* VCI 8.3* VCI (continued) 8.4* 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 9* (Notes 1, 3, 5, 6) DLCI indicator 0 0 DLCI 9.1* (Most significant 6 bits) Ext Spare 0/1 DLCI 0 0 0 9.2* (2nd most significant 4 bits) Spare Ext 1 DLCI 0 9.3* (Note 7) (3rd most significant 6 bits) Ext Spare 0 DLCI 9.3* (Note 8) (3rd most significant 7 bits) Ext 1 DLCI 0 9.4* (Note 8) (4th most significant 6 bits) Ext Spare 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 10* (Notes 1, 3, 9) Call Reference indicator Call Reference Flag Call Reference Value 10.1* Call Reference Value (continued) 10.2* Call Reference Value (continued) 10.3* 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 11* (Notes 1, 3, 10) Endpoint Reference indicator Endpoint Reference Flag Endpoint Reference Value 11.1* Endpoint Reference Value (continued) 11.2* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 (Notes 1, 3, 11) Logical node / logical port indicator Logical node identifier 12.1 to 12.22 Logical port identifier 12.23 to 12.26 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 13* (Notes 1, 3, 12) PNNI Trace Continuation Refusal Indicator 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 14* (Notes 1, 3, 14) Crankback Received at Trace Destination Node Indicator 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 15* (Notes 1, 3, 11) PNNI Crankback Gap indicator 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 16* (Notes 1, 3, 11) PNNI Crankback indicator Length of PNNI Crankback contents 16.1* PNNI Crankback Cause 16.2* Blocked Transit Type 16.3* Blocked Transit Trace Information (format dependent on value of blocked transit type) 16.4* etc (Note 13) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 17* (Notes 1, 3) Vendor Specific indicator Length of Vendor specific contents 17.1* Organizational Unique Identifier (OUI) 17.2* to 17.4* Vendor specific information 17.5* etc. Note 1 - The trace transit list is an ordered list. Interpretation of octet groups within the trace transit list information element is position dependent. A node may add at most one of each octet group, in order of ascending octet group number, each time it processes a message, with the following exceptions: * A node may add multiple instances of octet group 17. When octet group 17 is present, it must immediately follow either * octet 6, * an octet group 12, * an octet group 16, or * another octet group 17. * A node attempting alternate routing may add instances of octet groups 12 through 17, in the proper order, after an octet group 16, or octet 15. * The trace destination node may add instances of octet groups 8 through 11 (see Section , in order, after octet group 12 or one or more octet groups 16 that themselves follow octet group 12. These are in addition to any instances of octet groups 8 through 11 that it adds prior to octet group 12 according to the normal sequence. Note 2 - Flags C and X shall be treated as spare bits (i.e., set to zero when originated and ignored upon reception) in TRACE CONNECTION and TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE messages. Flag V shall be treated as a spare bit in CO-BI SETUP messages and TRACE CONNECTION and TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE messages for bearer independent (CO-BI) calls. Flag X shall not be set to "1" when either Flag V or Flag A is set to "1". All spare bits (bits 1 to 4) shall be ignored upon receipt and forwarded transparently if the information element is progressed. Note 3 - Octet groups 8-17 (in their entirety) may appear multiple times. Note 4 - Octet group 8 shall be added when the interface is ATM, if and only if the Flag V for VPI/VCI trace is set to "1", with the following exception. This octet group shall not be used if the message is CO-BI SETUP or the message is TRACE CONNECTION or TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE tracing a bearer independent (CO-BI) connection. Note 5 - Octet group 9 may appear (in its entirety) as many as 2 times only if the Flag V is set to "1". Note 6 - The DLCI is 2 or 3 or 4 octets (i.e. 10 or 16 or 23 bits respectively). The standard default length of the DLCI is two octets. The extension bit mechanism is used to indicate non-default length and thus to determine the total length of the DLCI. The trace source node must be capable of interpreting this encoding, even if it does not support Frame Relay, so that it can properly decode the Trace transit list information element returned from the trace destination node. Note 7 - This octet shall be included only when bilateral agreements allow a three octet DLCI (16 bits). Note 8 - These octets shall both be included only when bilateral agreements allow a four octet DLCI (23 bits). Note 9 - Octet group 10 shall be added when the connection leg on the interface is switched, if and only if the Flag A for Call/Endpoint Reference Value trace is set to "1". Note 10 - Octet group 11 shall be added if and only if this is a point-to-multipoint connection and the Flag A for Call/Endpoint Reference Value trace is set to "1". Note 11 - Octet group 16, or octet 15 followed by octet group 16, may be added only if the Flag C for Crankback is set to "1". Note 12 - Octet 13 may be added only by a node which refused continuation of the trace. Note 13 - The length of the Blocked Transit Trace Information shall be determined as the content of octet 16.1 minus 2 octets. Note 14 - Octet 14 may be added only by a node which received a crankback from a non-PNNI interface when acting as trace destination node. Figure 3-1 Trace transit list information element Coding standard (octet 2) Bits Meaning 7 6 1 1 ATM Forum specific Flags (octet 5) Bit C-flag 8 Meaning 0 No crankback trace is requested 1 Crankback trace is requested Note: Setting the C flag to 0 has the following consequences to the final Trace transit list information element returned to the source node: * If present, the Trace transit list information element will describe only information of the final path, i.e. no data for the failed paths will be recorded. * RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY, ADD PARTY REJECT will include the Trace transit list information element only if the SETUP or ADD PARTY reached the trace destination node and the trace destination node received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY or ADD PARTY REJECT without a Crankback information element in response to the SETUP or ADD PARTY. Bit X-flag 7 Meaning 0 Do not clear call at trace destination 1 Clear call at trace destination Bit V-Flag 6 Meaning 0 Do not trace VPI/VCI or DLCI values 1 Trace VPI/VCI and DLCI values Bit A-Flag 5 Meaning 0 Do not trace Call/Endpoint Reference Values 1 Trace Call/Endpoint Reference Values Trace status (octet 6) Bits 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Meaning 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 trace in progress 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 trace completed normally 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 trace incomplete 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 trace has exceeded information element length limitations 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 trace has exceeded message length limitations Note that a Trace status value of "trace in progress" is the only valid value in SETUP, ADD PARTY and CO-BI SETUP messages. Any other value shall be treated as an error (see section Trace Source Logical Port Identifier (octets 7.1 to 7.4) The trace source logical port identifier uniquely identifies a logical port of the logical node at which the path or connection trace is initiated. The combination of the Trace Source Logical Port Identifier and the logical node identifier from the next Logical node / logical port entry in the Trace transit list information element unambiguously identifies a logical link. The logical port identifier is coded in binary, with a length of 4 octets. If the originating port is not a PNNI, the port ID that is added to the Trace transit list information element shall either be set to zero or shall specify the originating logical port. Section 5.3.4/PNNI 1.0 describes the abstract syntax and semantics of logical port identifiers. VPI/VCI (octets 8.1 to 8.4) Octets 8.1 and 8.2 contain the Virtual Path Identifier (not the VPCI) of the connection. The VPI value shall be coded in the low order 12 bits and the high order 4 bits (octet 8.1 bits 8 to 5) shall be coded to all zeros. Octets 8.3 and 8.4 contain the Virtual Channel Identifier of the connection. When the connection being traced is a Virtual Path Connection (VPC), octets 8.3 and 8.4 shall be coded to all zeros. The VPI/VCI value typically refers to the PNNI link indicated in the last octet group 12 that precedes this value, except in situations where gaps exist in the path or connection trace (refer to Section 3.2). The VPI value is the actual VPI (not the VPCI) used for the connection on the incoming side of the interface, with one exception: for the trace destination interface the VPI value is the actual VPI used for the connection on the outgoing side of the interface. When the VPI/VCI value precedes all logical node/port identifiers in the Trace transit list information element, the values specify the VPI/VCI on the trace source interface, which may or may not be a PNNI interface. When the VPI/VCI value succeeds the last logical node/port identifier in the Trace transit list information element and the Trace status indicates "trace completed normally", the value specifies the VPI/VCI on the trace destination interface, which may or may not be a PNNI interface. DLCI value (octets 9.1 to 9.4) Octets 9.1 to 9.4 contain the Data Link Connection Identifier assigned for the connection on the Frame Relay interface, coded as shown in Figure 10-18/X.76 in [2]. The default length of the DLCI value is two octets (10 bits). By bilateral agreements, some networks may support DLCI length of three or four octets. Call Reference Flag (octets 10.1) Bit Call reference flag 8 Meaning 0 Call reference assigned by the node adding the call reference information to the Trace transit list information element 1 Call reference not assigned by the node adding the call reference information to the Trace transit list information element Call Reference Value (octets 10.1 to 10.3) Octets 10.1 (bits 1 to 7) to 10.3 contain a call reference value encoded as in the standard Call reference information element. The call reference value typically refers to the PNNI link indicated in the last octet group 12 that precedes this value, except in situations where gaps exist in the path or connection trace (refer to Section 3.2). When the call reference value precedes all logical node/port identifiers in the Trace transit list information element, the value specifies the call reference on the trace source interface, which may or may not be a PNNI interface. When the call reference value succeeds the last logical node/port identifier in the Trace transit list information element and the Trace status indicates "trace completed normally", the value specifies the call reference on the trace destination interface, which may or may not be a PNNI interface. Endpoint Reference Flag (octet 11.1) Bit Endpoint reference flag 8 Meaning 0 Endpoint reference assigned by the node adding the endpoint reference information to the Trace transit list information element 1 Endpoint reference not assigned by the node adding the endpoint reference information to the Trace transit list information element Endpoint Reference Value (octets 11.1 to 11.2) Octets 11.1 (bits 1 to 7) to 11.2 contain an endpoint reference value encoded as in the standard Endpoint reference information element. The endpoint reference value refers to the same PNNI link as the call reference value that immediately precedes the endpoint reference. Logical Node Identifier (octets 12.1 to 12.22) The logical node identifier uniquely identifies a lowest level logical node that the connection is to transit or has transited. It is coded in binary, with a length of 22 octets. Section 5.3.3/PNNI 1.0 describes the abstract syntax and semantics of logical node identifiers. Logical Port Identifier (octets 12.23 to 12.26) The logical port identifier uniquely identifies a logical port of the logical node that the connection is to transit or has transited. The combination of Logical Node Identifier and Logical Port Identifier unambiguously identifies a logical link. The logical port identifier is coded in binary, with a length of 4 octets. If the port is not a PNNI interface, the port ID that is added to the Trace transit list information element shall either be set to zero or shall specify the next link over which the connection or party would be or has been progressed. Section 5.3.4/PNNI 1.0] describes the abstract syntax and semantics of logical port identifiers. PNNI Trace Continuation Refusal indicator (octet 13) Presence of this octet indicates that the node identified by the preceding logical node (octet group 12) has refused to participate in the trace. Crankback Received at Trace Destination Node Indicator (octet 14) Presence of this octet indicates that the node identified by the previous logical node entry (octet group 12) in the trace, when acting as trace destination node, received a crankback for this call from a non-PNNI interface. PNNI Crankback Gap indicator (octet 15) Presence of this octet indicates that the call has been subject to crankback, but that no Trace transit list information element was returned by the node initiating crankback. Length of PNNI Crankback contents (octet 16.1) The Length of PNNI Crankback contents includes the lengths of the PNNI Crankback Cause (octet 16.2), Blocked Transit Type (octet 16.3), and Blocked Transit Information (octets 16.4 etc.) fields. The length does not include the length of octet 16.1 itself. PNNI Crankback Cause (octet 16.2) Octet 16.2 is encoded as octet 7 in the Crankback information element, Section 1.0, and uses the same crankback cause codepoints. Blocked Transit Type (octet 16.3) Bits 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Meaning Length of Blocked Transit Trace Information 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Blocked node 22 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Blocked link 48 Blocked Transit Trace Information (octets 16.4 etc.) The blocked transit trace information format depends on the blocked transit type. A node encodes identical blocked transit trace information in both the Trace transit list information element and the Crankback information element when a call clearing message with a crankback is being generated. For Blocked transit type = "blocked node identifier" Blocked node identifier 16.4 to 16.25 Blocked node identifier (octets 16.4 to 16.25) Octets 16.4 to 16.25 are encoded as octets 6.1 to 6.22 of the Crankback information element, Section 1.0, when the Blocked transit type is "blocked node identifier". The Blocked node identifier identifies the logical node at which the connection or party has been blocked. It is coded in binary, with a length of 22 octets. Section 5.3.3/PNNI 1.0 describes the syntax of logical node identifiers. For Blocked transit type = "blocked link identifier" Blocked link's preceding node identifier 16.4 to 16.25 Blocked link's port identifier 16.26 to 16.29 Blocked link's succeeding node identifier 16.30 to 16.51 Blocked link's preceding node identifier (octets 16.4 to 16.25) Octets 16.4 to 16.25 are encoded as octets 6.1 to 6.22 of the Crankback information element, Section 1.0, when the Blocked transit type is "blocked link identifier". The Blocked link's preceding node identifier identifies the logical node preceding a link at which the connection or party has been blocked. It is coded in binary, with a length of 22 octets. Section 5.3.3/PNNI 1.0 describes the syntax of logical node identifiers. Blocked link's port identifier (octets 16.26 to 16.29) Octets 16.26 to 16.29 are encoded as octets 6.23 to 6.26 of the Crankback information element, Section 1.0, when the Blocked transit type is "blocked link identifier". The Blocked link's port identifier identifies the logical port of the blocked link's preceding node identifier. The combination of the Blocked link's preceding node identifier and the Blocked link's port identifier unambigously identifies the link at which the connection or party has been blocked. The logical port identifier is coded in binary, with a length of 4 octets. Section 5.3.4/PNNI 1.0 describes the syntax of logical port identifiers. Blocked link's succeeding node identifier (octets 16.30 to 16.51) Octets 16.30 to 16.51 are encoded as octets 6.27 to 6.48 of the Crankback information element, Section 1.0, when the Blocked transit type is "blocked link identifier". The Blocked link's succeeding node identifier identifies the logical node succeeding a link at which the connection or party has been blocked. It is coded in binary, with a length of 22 octets. Section 5.3.3/PNNI 1.0 describes the syntax of logical node identifiers. Length of Vendor specific contents (octet 17.1) The length of vendor specific contents includes the lengths of the OUI (octets 17.2 to 17.4) and Vendor specific information (octets 17.5 etc.) fields. The length does not include the length of octet 17.1 itself. Organizational Unique Identifier (OUI) (octets 17.2 to 17.4) The Organizational Unique Identifier (OUI) coded in octets 17.2 to 17.4 unambiguously identifies an authority responsible for defining the contents of the vendor specific information. Vendor Specific Information (octets 17.5 etc.) Octets 17.5 etc. shall contain at most 8 octets of data. The syntax and semantics of the Vendor specific information (octets 17.5 etc) are beyond the scope of this specification. 3.2 Rules for Interpreting the Trace Transit List Information Element [INFORMATIVE] The following rules apply for interpretation of the final Trace transit list information element returned to the trace source node: * If the Trace status field is set to "trace in progress", this is to be interpreted as if the value were set to "trace incomplete". * The presence of a Trace Continuation refusal indicator reveals that the node identified by the previous logical node entry (octet group 12) refused continuation of the trace. * If any combination of call reference, endpoint reference, and either VPI/VCI or DLCI values appear before the first logical node / logical port entry, they represent the values on the trace source interface where the trace was initiated. * If the Pass along request bit is set to "pass along request", there may be gaps between two logical node / logical port entries. These gaps are not identified in the Trace transit list information element. The location of gaps can be discerned by network management only by using its knowledge of the network topology. The first of the two logical node / logical port entries identifies the link before the gap. The last link in the gap, used to reach the node identified in the next logical node / logical port entry, is not identified in the Trace transit list information element. * Except when there is a gap in the Trace transit list information element, when VPI/VCI or call/endpoint reference values appear between two logical node / logical port entries, they represent the values on the link between the logical nodes specified in the logical node / logical port entries. The link is identified in the first logical node / logical port entry. The VPI value represents the actual VPI used for the connection on the succeeding side of the interface. * When there is a gap in the Trace transit list information element and a VPI/VCI or call/endpoint reference entry appears between the two logical node / logical port entries, they represent the values used on the last link in the gap. The VPI value represents the actual VPI used for the connection on the succeeding side of the interface. * If the Trace status is set to "trace completed normally" and any combination of call reference, endpoint reference, and either VPI/VCI or DLCI values appear after the last logical node / logical port entry, they represent the values on the trace destination interface on the trace destination node. The VPI value is the actual VPI used for the connection on the outgoing side of the interface. * Presence of PNNI crankback information (octet group 16) indicates that the node identified by the previous logical node / logical port entry initiated call clearing with crankback, with one exception, as identified in the next bullet item. VPI/VCI values may or may not be present immediately before the previous logical node / logical port entry, even if the V flag is set. Call/endpoint reference values may or may not be present immediately before the previous logical node / logical port entry, even if the A flag is set. The node may have initiated call clearing before incorporating these fields into the Trace transit list information element. * When the PNNI crankback information (octet group 16) immediately follows a PNNI Crankback Gap indicator, this indicates that the crankback information was added by the node identified by the previous logical node / logical port entry (octet group 12) in the Trace transit list information element. This node is not the node at which the call was blocked. The crankback information is the information received by this node in the Crankback information element from a node which did not return a Trace transit list information element and that most likely did not support this feature. * A logical node / logical port entry following the PNNI crankback information (octet group 16) indicates a node that attempted alternate routing. * Interpretation of the blocked transit information is performed as follows: * "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface" - the logical node / logical port entry immediately before the PNNI crankback information (octet group 16) identifies the node that initiated call clearing with crankback, at the succeeding side of the blocked interface. The logical node / logical port entry one before that indicates the node at the preceding side of the blocked interface and the corresponding port ID for the blocked interface. * "blocked node" - the blocked node is identified by the Blocked node identifier encoded as part of the Blocked transit identifier in the Crankback data in the Trace transit list information element. * "blocked link" - the blocked link (or adjacency) is identified by the Blocked link's preceding node identifier, the Blocked link's port identifier , and the Blocked link's succeeding node identifier encoded as part of the Blocked transit identifier in the Crankback data in the Trace transit list information. * The "Crankback received at trace destination node" indicator indicates that the trace destination node, which is identified by the previous logical node / logical port entry, received a call clearing message including crankback indication from the trace destination interface, which is a non-PNNI interface (e.g. AINI). One such indicator is present for each crankback received by the trace destination node. * When one or more vendor specific information fields occur immediately after the Trace status field, they were added by the trace source node. * When one or more vendor specific information fields occur after a logical node / logical port entry, they were added by the logical node identified by that logical node / logical port entry. * When one or more vendor specific information fields occur after a crankback field, they were added by the logical node identified by the logical node / logical port entry previous to the crankback field. 4 Path Trace 4.1 Path Trace Description [INFORMATIVE] Path tracing is used to determine the logical nodes and logical ports traversed during connection establishment. Path tracing is supported for both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections. Point-to-point path tracing is used to trace the path of a proposed point-to-point connection from a given trace source node towards a called party number. Point-to-multipoint path tracing is used to trace the path of a branch from a given trace source node on a new or existing point-to-multipoint connection towards a new party. Path tracing can be initiated in two ways: 1. Test connections or parties in support of path tracing can be initiated at the trace source node by a network management action towards a called party number, or 2. an administrative action can cause connections and parties to be traced according to a network specific policy (e.g. all new connections and parties at a given UNI, or all new Soft PVCs originated at the trace source node). Such a policy can be defined using the atmTraceFilterTable defined in Annex C. In the first case (i.e. test connections or parties), the trace typically indicates that the connection or party used to perform the trace should be cleared immediately upon reaching the trace destination node. However, if a new point-to-multipoint test connection with multiple branches is desired, the branches must be left up until all the branches have been added. If the test connection is to be left up and the VPI/VCI can be assigned at the other side of the interface, there may be some possibility of VPI/VCI collision for SETUP messages received on this interface, when the other side of the interface does not know that this VPI/VCI value is being used. In the second case, the connection or party is typically left up. When a connection or party is to be immediately cleared, it is terminated by a trace destination node within the PNNI network. When the connection (or party) is to be left up, the trace aspect of the connection (or party) is terminated by the trace destination node, but the connection (or party) itself is progressed to the actual destination node. Given the connection or party establishment information, the trace source node computes a path, inserts the corresponding DTLs in a SETUP or ADD PARTY message in the usual fashion and adds its trace information including its node ID and outgoing interface port ID to the Trace transit list information element. The trace information may also include crankback information, VPI/VCI and DLCI values, call reference values and endpoint reference values (for parties), if indicated by the flags in the Flag octet of the Trace transit list information element. It then sends the message on the outgoing interface. A node other than the trace source node or trace destination node that is traversed by this message performs the procedures normally followed for a SETUP or ADD PARTY message, fills in the trace information and forwards the message to the next node. At the trace destination node, the trace information is kept to be transferred into the corresponding CONNECT, ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE, RELEASE*, RELEASE COMPLETE* , DROP PARTY* or ADD PARTY REJECT* message if the connection or party is intended to be left up, or into a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE or ADD PARTY REJECT message if the connection or party is to be immediately cleared. The following figures illustrate sample message flows for the Path Trace feature. Figure 4-1 depicts an example message sequence for the case where a point-to-point SVC call between two ATM UNIs is being traced. Figure 4-1 Sample Message Sequence for Path Trace for a user-initiated point-to-point SVC between ATM endpoints (without Call Clearing at the Trace Destination Node) The steps in tracing the connection are as follows: 1. The trace source node receives a SETUP message over a UNI. Since it has been configured to trace connections from this UNI, the trace source node adds a Trace transit list information element to the SETUP message. The flags in the Trace transit list information element are set based on configuration in the trace source node, and the Trace status field is set to "trace in progress". The trace source node then adds the following information to the Trace transit list information element: a) A port ID identifying the trace source UNI interface. b) If the V flag is set, the VPI/VCI from the trace sourceUNI interface. c) If the A flag is set, the call reference value from the trace source UNI interface. The trace source node then adds its own node ID and its outgoing port ID and forwards the SETUP message to the succeeding node. 2. The intermediate node receives the SETUP message. Since the Trace transit list information element is present, its adds the following information: a) If the V flag is set, the VPI/VCI value on the incoming interface. These are added by the succeeding side in order to facilitate tracing over links which are non-assigning on the preceding side. b) If the A flag is set, the call reference value on the incoming interface. The intermediate node then adds its own node ID and the outgoing port ID and forwards the SETUP message to the succeeding node. 3. The trace destination node adds information about the incoming link (VPI/VCI, call reference) to the Trace transit list information element in the same manner as intermediate nodes. It then adds its own node ID and outgoing port ID. Information about the destination UNI interface is also added as follows: a) If the V flag is set, the VPI/VCI used on the destination UNI. b) If the A flag is set, the call reference used on the destination UNI. Since the X flag is not set, the trace destination node removes and saves the Trace transit list information element and forwards the SETUP message out the destination UNI without the Trace transit list information element. 4. Upon receiving the CONNECT message, the trace destination node sets the Trace status field in the saved Trace transit list information element to "trace completed normally", places the updated Trace transit list information element into the CONNECT message, and progresses it towards the calling party. 5. Intermediate nodes progress the CONNECT message normally without any additional actions. 6. At the trace source node, the Trace transit list information element is removed from the CONNECT message and saved for retrieval by network management. The CONNECT message is then progressed out the originating UNI to the source terminal without the Trace transit list information element. Figure 4-2 depicts an example message sequence for the case where an SPVC between two Frame Relay endpoints is being traced. Figure 4-2 Sample Message Sequence for Path Trace for network initiated connections (Soft PVCs) between Frame Relay endpoints (without Call Clearing at the Trace Destination Node) The steps in tracing the connection are as follows: 1. The trace source node adds a Trace transit list information element to a SETUP message. The flags in the Trace transit list information element are set based on configuration in the trace source node and the Trace status field is set to "trace in progress". The trace source node then adds the following information to the Trace transit list information element: a) A port ID identifying the trace source FR UNI interface. b) If the V flag is set, since the trace source interface is a Frame Relay interface, the DLCI from the trace source interface. The trace source node then adds its own node ID and its outgoing port ID and forwards the SETUP message to the succeeding node. 2. Actions taken by the intermediate node are as specified in step 2 for Figure 4-1. 3. The trace destination node adds information about the incoming link (VPI/VCI, call reference) to the Trace transit list information element in the same manner as intermediate nodes. It then adds its own node ID and outgoing port ID. Information about the destination FR UNI interface is also added as follows: a) If the V flag is set, since the destination interface is a Frame Relay interface, the DLCI from the destination interface. The trace destination node sets the Trace status field to "trace completed normally", places the updated Trace transit list information element into the CONNECT message and progresses it towards the calling party. 4. Intermediate nodes progress the CONNECT message normally without any additional actions. 5. At the trace source node, the Trace transit list information element is removed from the CONNECT message and saved for retrieval by network management. Figure 4-3 demonstrates a point-to-point network management initiated test connection. The intent is to have the connection progress through the network towards the called party and to then be released at the trace destination node before reaching the called party. Figure 4-3 Sample Message Sequence for Path Trace with Call Clearing at the Trace Destination Node The steps in tracing the connection are as follows: 1. Network management instructs the trace source node to launch a test connection. This request contains the called party number, all necessary traffic parameters and the trace flags. 2. The trace source node creates a SETUP message from the parameters received from network management. It includes a Trace transit list information element with the appropriate trace flags. The trace source node then adds the following information to the Trace transit list information element: a) A port ID identifying the trace source interface specified by network management. b) Its own node ID and outgoing port ID. The SETUP message is then progressed to the succeeding node. 3. The intermediate node receives the SETUP message and adds its own node ID and the outgoing port ID and forwards the SETUP message to the succeeding node. 4. The trace destination node adds its own node ID and outgoing port ID. Since the X flag is set, the trace destination node sets the Trace status field to "trace completed normally", creates a RELEASE message, adds the Trace transit list information element to the RELEASE message and sends it towards the calling party. 5. Intermediate nodes progress the RELEASE message normally without any additional actions. 6. At the trace source node, the Trace transit list information element is removed from the RELEASE message and saved for retrieval by network management. The RELEASE message is not progressed further by the trace source node. 4.2 Additions to PNNI Signalling Messages [NORMATIVE] 4.2.1 CONNECT Figure 6-5/PNNI 1.0 CONNECT Message Contents is augmented with the following: Information Element Reference Type Length Trace transit list 3.1 O(1) 38-1466 (2) Note 1 - Included when using path trace functionality. Note 2 - A larger maximum length value may be supported as a network specific option. The maximum length should be consistent among all nodes in the network. 1466 octets correspond to the length of a Trace transit list information element with 25 nodes; flags A, V, and C set to "1"; no Vendor specific information; and 6 crankbacks with blocked transit type coded as "blocked link identifier"; for a point-to-multipoint call. Figure 4-4 Additional CONNECT message content 4.2.2 RELEASE Figure 6-6/PNNI 1.0 RELEASE message content is augmented with the following: Information Element Reference Type Length Trace transit list 3.1 O(1) 38-1466(2) Note 1 - Included when using path trace functionality. Note 2 - A larger maximum length value may be supported as a network specific option. The maximum length should be consistent among all nodes in the network. 1466 octets correspond to the length of a Trace transit list information element with 25 nodes; flags A, V, and C set to "1"; no Vendor specific information; and 6 crankbacks with blocked transit type coded as "blocked link identifier"; for a point-to-multipoint call. Figure 4-5 Additional RELEASE message content 4.2.3 RELEASE COMPLETE Figure 6-7/PNNI 1.0 RELEASE COMPLETE message content is augmented with the following: Information Element Reference Type Length Trace transit list 3.1 O(1) 38-1466(2) Note 1 - Included when using path trace functionality. Note 2 - A larger maximum length value may be supported as a network specific option. The maximum length should be consistent among all nodes in the network. 1466 octets correspond to the length of a Trace transit list information element with 25 nodes; flags A, V, and C set to "1"; no Vendor specific information; and 6 crankbacks with blocked transit type coded as "blocked link identifier"; for a point-to-multipoint call. Figure 4-6 Additional RELEASE COMPLETE message content 4.2.4 SETUP Figure 6-8/PNNI 1.0 SETUP message content is augmented with the following: Information Element Reference Type Length Trace transit list 3.1 O(1) 38-1466(2) Note 1 - Included when using path trace functionality. Note 2 - A larger maximum length value may be supported as a network specific option. The maximum length should be consistent among all nodes in the network. 1466 octets correspond to the length of a Trace transit list information element with 25 nodes; flags A, V, and C set to "1"; no Vendor specific information; and 6 crankbacks with blocked transit type coded as "blocked link identifier"; for a point-to-multipoint call. Figure 4-7 Additional SETUP message content 4.2.5 ADD PARTY Figure 6-19/PNNI 1.0 ADD PARTY message content is augmented with the following: Information Element Reference Type Length Trace transit list 3.1 O(1) 38-1466(2) Note 1 - Included when using path trace functionality. Note 2 - A larger maximum length value may be supported as a network specific option. The maximum length should be consistent among all nodes in the network. 1466 octets correspond to the length of a Trace transit list information element with 25 nodes; flags A, V, and C set to "1"; no Vendor specific information; and 6 crankbacks with blocked transit type coded as "blocked link identifier"; for a point-to-multipoint call. Figure 4-8 Additional ADD PARTY message content 4.2.6 ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE Figure 6-20/PNNI 1.0 ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE message content is augmented with the following: Information Element Reference Type Length Trace transit list 3.1 O(1) 38-1466(2) Note 1 - Included when using path trace functionality. Note 2 - A larger maximum length value may be supported as a network specific option. The maximum length should be consistent among all nodes in the network. 1466 octets correspond to the length of a Trace transit list information element with 25 nodes; flags A, V, and C set to "1"; no Vendor specific information; and 6 crankbacks with blocked transit type coded as "blocked link identifier"; for a point-to-multipoint call. Figure 4-9 Additional ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE message content 4.2.7 ADD PARTY REJECT Figure 6-22/PNNI 1.0 ADD PARTY REJECT message content is augmented with the following: Information Element Reference Type Length Trace transit list 3.1 O(1) 38-1466(2) Note 1 - Included when using path trace functionality. Note 2 - A larger maximum length value may be supported as a network specific option. The maximum length should be consistent among all nodes in the network. 1466 octets correspond to the length of a Trace transit list information element with 25 nodes; flags A, V, and C set to "1"; no Vendor specific information; and 6 crankbacks with blocked transit type coded as "blocked link identifier"; for a point-to-multipoint call. Figure 4-10 Additional ADD PARTY REJECT message content 4.2.8 DROP PARTY Figure 6-23/PNNI 1.0 DROP PARTY message content is augmented with the following: Information Element Reference Type Length Trace transit list 3.1 O(1) 38-1466(2) Note 1 - Included when using path trace functionality. Note 2 - A larger maximum length value may be supported as a network specific option. The maximum length should be consistent among all nodes in the network. 1466 octets correspond to the length of a Trace transit list information element with 25 nodes; flags A, V, and C set to "1"; no Vendor specific information; and 6 crankbacks with blocked transit type coded as "blocked link identifier"; for a point-to-multipoint call. Figure 4-11 Additional DROP PARTY message content 4.2.9 CO-BI SETUP Figure 26-2/GSS 1.0 [3] CO-BI SETUP message content is augmented with the following: Information Element Reference Type Length Trace transit list 3.1 O(1) 38-1466(2) Note 1 - Included when using path trace functionality. Note 2 - A larger maximum length value may be supported as a network specific option. The maximum length should be consistent among all nodes in the network. 1466 octets correspond to the length of a Trace transit list information element with 25 nodes; flags A, V, and C set to "1"; no Vendor specific information; and 6 crankbacks with blocked transit type coded as "blocked link identifier"; for a point-to-multipoint call. Figure 4-12 Additional CO-BI SETUP message content 4.3 Path Trace Procedures [NORMATIVE] The procedures defined in the ATM Forum PNNI Specification apply for connection and party establishment with path trace functionality. Only the additional procedures required for path trace functionality are defined in this specification. 4.3.1 Processing SETUP, CO-BI SETUP and ADD PARTY Messages In the following sections, the term "SETUP message" is understood to apply to both SETUP and CO-BI SETUP messages except in cases where the V flag is discussed, since the V flag is treated as a spare bit for CO-BI SETUP messages. Initiating Path Trace The trace source node initiates the path trace by inserting a Trace transit list information element in the SETUP or ADD PARTY message before progressing the message towards the called party. The trace transit list records the path traversed by the SETUP or ADD PARTY message from the trace source node to the trace destination node. The trace source node controls what path information is recorded by setting the C (crankback), V (VPI/VCI), and A (call/endpoint reference) flags in the Trace transit list information element. If the C flag is set to 0, only information (node IDs and port IDs) of the final path, i.e., not including any failed paths, is recorded. If the C flag is set to 0 and the connection or party fails to reach the trace destination node, no path trace information will be returned. If the C flag is set to 1, all attempted paths including the final one are recorded (regardless of whether the call succeeds or fails). If the V flag is set to 1, the VPI/VCI values used on each link are recorded. In the case of Frame Relay endpoints, the DLCI values of those endpoints are also recorded. If the A flag is set to 1, the call reference values used on each link, and endpoint reference values for point-to-multipoint connections, are recorded. By setting the X flag to 1, the trace source node indicates to the trace destination node that the connection or party shall not be progressed further and that it shall be cleared rather than connected. If the X flag is set to 1, the trace source node shall not set the V flag or the A flag to 1. After adding the Flags field to the Trace transit list information element, the trace source node shall add the Trace status field with the value set to "trace in progress". Trace information shall then be added to the Trace transit list information element by following the procedures specified in Section If a Trace transit list information element is present in the received setup or add party indication, this node shall continue the received trace (following the procedures of Section, ignoring any network specific policy that triggers a new path trace (i.e. this node shall not act as a trace source node). Processing a Trace Transit List The following procedures shall apply * at the trace source node, * whenever a SETUP or ADD PARTY message is received with a Trace transit list information element, and * when a node initiates alternate routing in response to crankback, though not necessarily all of these procedures apply (see Section 0). If the Trace status field is not set to "trace in progress", the Trace transit list information element shall be saved as the Saved Original Trace transit list and the Saved Modified Trace transit list and removed from the outgoing SETUP or ADD PARTY message. In addition: * If the X flag is set to 1, call clearing shall be initiated using normal PNNI procedures. The cause code in the Cause information element shall be set to cause #31 "normal, unspecified." In addition, the Trace transit list information element from the SETUP or ADD PARTY message, shall be copied into the RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message before progressing the message towards the trace source node. * Otherwise, the remaining procedures in this section shall be ignored. The following rules, in this order, shall be followed to determine what entries shall be added to the Trace transit list information element by each node: 1. If this node is the trace source node, the Trace source port identifier field with the value either set to zero (if the trace source interface is not a PNNI interface and no logical port ID is assigned to this interface) or identifying the trace source interface from which the path trace is initiated; 2. If the V flag is set to 1 and * this node is the trace source node and the trace source interface is an ATM interface, a VPI/VCI entry for the trace source interface (note that what is traced is the actual VPI used for the connection on this side of the trace source interface, not the VPCI), * this node is the trace source node, the trace source interface is a Frame Relay interface and a 1:1 mapping is used between the Frame Relay and the ATM connection, a DLCI entry for the trace source interface, * this node is the trace source node, and the trace source interface is neither an ATM interface, nor a Frame Relay interface (e.g. Circuit Emulation Service), a VPI/VCI entry may be added for the trace source interface, * this node is not the trace source node, a VPI/VCI entry for the incoming interface on which the SETUP or ADD PARTY message was received (note that what is traced is the actual VPI used for the connection on this side of the incoming interface, not the VPCI); 3. If the A flag is set to 1 and * this node is the trace source node, the connection leg on the trace source interface is switched, and the trace source interface supports a call reference that can be specified in 3 octets, a call reference entry for the trace source interface including the endpoint reference field for point-to-multipoint connections, * this node is not the trace source node, a call reference entry for the incoming interface on which the SETUP or ADD PARTY message was received, including the endpoint reference field for point-to-multipoint connections; 4. The node shall save the current Trace Transit List information element locally as the Saved Original Trace transit list 5. If this node refuses to participate in path traces received over the incoming interface, a logical node / logical port entry including this node's lowest-level logical node identifier. The logical port identifier shall be set to zero. In addition, the Trace Continuation refusal indicator shall be added to the Trace transit list information elementand * If the X flag is set to 0, the Trace transit list information element shall be saved locally as the Saved Modified Trace transit list and removed from the SETUP or ADD PARTY message before progressing the message towards the called party. The remaining procedures in this section shall be ignored. * If the X flag is set to 1, call clearing shall be initiated using normal PNNI procedures. The cause code in the Cause information element shall be set to cause #31 "normal, unspecified." In addition, the Trace transit list information element from the SETUP or ADD PARTY message, as modified by the procedures above, shall be copied into the RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message before progressing the message towards the trace source node and the Trace status shall be set to "trace incomplete"; 6. One logical node / logical port entry where the logical node ID specifies the lowest level logical node and * if this node is not the trace destination node, the logical port specifies the outgoing interface on which the SETUP or ADD PARTY message will be progressed, * if this node is the trace destination node, the logical port is either set to zero (if the next link is not a PNNI interface and no logical port ID is assigned to this interface) or specifies the next link that would be traversed by the connection or party; 7. If this node is the trace destination node and the V flag is set to 1: * If the trace destination interface is an ATM interface, a VPI/VCI entry for the trace destination interface; * If the trace destination interface is a Frame Relay interface and a 1:1 mapping is used between the Frame Relay and the ATM connection, a DLCI entry for the trace destination interface; * If the trace destination interface is not an ATM interface or a Frame Relay interface (e.g. Circuit Emulation Service), a VPI/VCI entry may be added for the trace destination interface. 8. If this node is the trace destination node, the A flag is set to 1, the connection leg on the trace destination interface is switched, and the trace destination interface supports a call reference that can be specified in 3 octets, a call reference entry for the trace destination interface including the endpoint reference for point-to-multipoint connections; The numbered procedures above may be interrupted at any point due to error, failure, or other conditions (due to standard PNNI call processing) that result in call or party clearing, with or without crankback. In this case the procedures specified in Section 4.3.3 shall be followed. Before the procedures of that section are applied, if the Trace transit list information element has not yet been saved above as the Saved Original Trace transit list, the current Trace information element shall be saved as the Saved Original Trace transit list. In addition, if the Trace transit list information element has not yet been saved above as the Saved Modified Trace transit list, the current Trace transit list information element shall be saved as the Saved Modified Trace transit list. The procedures described in Section 4.3.7 shall be followed to check for Trace transit list information element length exceeded errors and message length exceeded errors. The Trace transit list information element resulting from the above procedures shall be saved locally as the Saved Modified Trace transit list. If this is not the trace destination node, the SETUP or ADD PARTY message shall be progressed with the updated Trace transit list information element. Note that in the case where this node refuses to participate in the trace, the Trace transit list information element will no longer be present in the SETUP or ADD PARTY message (see step 5 above). If this is the trace destination node, then * If the X flag is set to 0, the Trace transit list information element shall be removed before progressing the SETUP or ADD PARTY message towards the called party user. * Otherwise, (the X flag is set to 1) the procedures in Section 4.3.2 apply. 4.3.2 Path Trace Clearing At The Trace Destination Node The following steps shall be performed at the trace destination node when the X flag is set to "1" and after the node applied the procedures of section * While performing the procedures of section,the trace destination node shall verify that it has reachability to the next transit identified in the DTL stack (if this is not the DTL Terminator) or to the called party number or specified transit network (if this is the DTL Terminator). If the trace destination node does not have reachability, or if, according to local information, it does not have sufficient resources to accept the connection or party on either the incoming interface or on any interface over which the connection or party may be progressed, call clearing procedures shall be followed as specified in Section 4.3.3, and the remaining procedures in this section shall be ignored. * The Saved Modified Trace transit list shall be copied to a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message. If the Trace status in the message is set to "trace in progress", it shall be set to "trace completed normally". * The cause code in the Cause information element shall be set to cause #31 "normal, unspecified." * Standard PNNI procedures for call clearing shall apply, causing the RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message to be sent towards the trace source node. 4.3.3 Procedures at a Node Initiating Call Clearing The following procedures shall apply when error, failure, or other conditions (due to standard PNNI call processing) are encountered that result in call or party clearing, with or without crankback, with the following exception: These procedures are not always applicable when the protocol errors described in Sections 6.5.6/PNNI 1.0 and 6.5.7/PNNI 1.0 lead to call clearing. Note that the procedures described below can be invoked as a result of processing either a received SETUP or ADD PARTY message, or as a result of receiving a call clearing message where alternate routing was attempted but failed (e.g. an entry border node propagating a call clearing), or as a result of receiving a call clearing message where a "link blocked" crankback is generated from a "Call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface" crankback.. As such, the "current message" referenced below could be any of SETUP, ADD PARTY, RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, ADD PARTY REJECT. If the C flag in the Saved Original Trace transit list information element is set to 0, then normal call or party clearing and crankback procedures shall be followed. The Trace transit list information element shall not be included in the RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message generated by this node. If this is the trace source node, then the procedures of Section shall apply, otherwise no further processing of the Trace transit list information element shall be performed. If the C flag in the Saved Original Trace transit list is set to 1 then * If the Trace status field in the Saved Modified Trace transit list is other than "trace in progress", the Saved Modified Trace transit list shall be copied to the RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message. If this is the trace source node, then the procedures of Section shall apply, otherwise no further processing of the Trace transit list information element shall be performed. * If the Trace status field in the Saved Modified Trace transit list is set to "trace in progress", then in addition to the normal call or party clearing and crankback procedures the Saved Modified Trace transit list information element shall be placed into the RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE or ADD PARTY REJECT message generated by the node towards the calling party and shall be modified as follows: * If this node did not refuse path trace and no logical node / logical port entry has been added to the Trace transit list information element for this node during processing of the current message, one logical node / logical port entry shall be added with the logical node ID of the lowest level node. The logical port ID shall be set to zero. * If this node is the DTL originator or the call or party is cleared without crankback, then the Trace status field in the Trace transit list information element shall be set to "trace incomplete", and no crankback field shall be added to the Trace transit list information element. * If the call or party is cleared with crankback and this node is not the DTL originator, then: a crankback field shall be added to the Trace transit list information element with the appropriate Crankback Cause, Blocked Transit Type and Blocked Transit Trace Information values from the generated Crankback information element * If this is the trace source node, then the procedures of Section shall apply. 4.3.4 Procedures at a Node Receiving a Call Clearing Message If the call clearing message is being sent towards the called party or if a CONNECT or ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE message has already been sent towards the calling party, then the procedures of this section shall not apply. When a node receives a call clearing message, the procedures of Section or shall be applied as appropriate. Additionally, if the node is also the trace source node, the procedures of Section shall be applied as well. Procedures When Receiving a Call Clearing Message at a Node That Is Not The Trace Destination Node The procedures for handling a call clearing message are broken into three groups: 1. Receipt of a call clearing message without a Crankback information element. 2. Receipt of a call clearing message containing a Crankback information element when this node is not allowed to perform alternate routing and will simply progress the crankback backward. 3. Receipt of a call clearing message containing a Crankback information element when this node is allowed to perform alternate routing. 1. If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY or ADD PARTY REJECT message does not contain a Crankback information element, then * If the call clearing message contains a Trace transit list information element, then * If this node refused to participate in the path trace, then * If the C flag in the Saved Original Trace transit list information element is set to 1, then the Saved Modified Trace transit list information element shall replace the Trace transit list information element in the received call clearing message. * Otherwise, the Trace transit list information element shall be removed from the call clearing message. * If this is not the trace source node, the Trace transit list information element shall be passed in the call clearing message. * Otherwise (this is the trace source node), the procedures of Section shall apply. * If the call clearing message does not contain a Trace transit list information element then * If the C flag in the Saved Original Trace transit list information element is set to 1, then the Saved Modified Trace transit list information element shall be included in the call clearing message. If the Trace status is "trace in progress", then the Trace status shall be set to "trace incomplete". * If the C flag in the Saved Original Trace transit list information element is set to 0, then normal call clearing procedures apply and no Trace transit list information element shall be included in the call clearing message. * If this node is the trace source node, the procedures of Section shall apply. 2. If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element, and none of the following apply: * the Blocked transit type is "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", or * this node is DTL originator, or * this node is an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, then: * If this node refused to participate in the path trace or this is the trace destination node, then if there is a Trace transit list information element in the received call clearing message, it shall be deleted. * If there is a Trace transit list information element in the RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message, then * If the C flag in the Saved Original Trace transit list is set to 1, then * If this is the trace source node, then the procedures of Section shall apply. * Otherwise, the Trace transit list information element in the message shall be passed towards the trace source node. * If the C flag in the Saved Original Trace transit list is set to 0, then the Trace transit list information element shall be removed from the call clearing message. * If there is no Trace transit list information element in the RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message, then. * If the C flag in the Saved Original Trace transit list information element is set to 0 then normal call clearing procedures apply and no Trace transit list information element shall be included in the call clearing message. * If the C flag in the Saved Original Trace transit list information element is set to 1, then the Saved Modified Trace transit list information element shall be included in the call clearing message. * If the Trace status in the Saved Modified Trace transit list information element is "trace in progress", then a Crankback gap indicator field shall be appended to the Trace transit list information element, followed by a Crankback field with the appropriate Crankback Cause, Blocked Transit Type, and Blocked Transit Trace Information values from the received Crankback information element. * Otherwise (the Trace status in the Saved Modified Trace transit list information element is not "trace in progress"), nothing further is added to the Trace transit list information element at this time. * If this is the trace source node, then the procedures of Section shall apply. 3. If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element, and at least one of the following applies: * the Blocked transit type is "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", * this node is DTL originator, or * this node is an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, then the procedures of Section shall apply with the Current Trace transit list information element determined as follows: * If this node refused to participate in the path trace, then there is no Current Trace transit list information element and the remaining procedures of this section shall not apply. * If the C flag in the Saved Original Trace transit list information element is set to 0 then * If the Trace status in the Saved Original Trace transit list information element is set to "trace in progress", then the Saved Original Trace transit list shall be used as the Current Trace transit list information element. * If the Trace status in the Saved Original Trace transit list information element is not set to "trace in progress", then there is no Current Trace transit list information element. * If the C flag in the Saved Original Trace transit list information element is set to 1, then * If this is not the trace destination node and if a Trace transit list information element is present in the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message, that Trace transit list information element shall be saved as the Saved Modified Trace transit list information element. If the Trace status is set to "trace in progress", then this Trace transit list information element shall be used as the Current Trace transit list information element, otherwise, there is no Current Trace transit list information element. * If this is the trace destination node or if no Trace transit list information element is present in the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message, then: * If the Trace status in the Saved Modified Trace transit list information element is "trace in progress", then a Crankback gap indicator field shall be appended to the Saved Modified Trace transit list information element, followed by a Crankback field with the appropriate Crankback Cause, Blocked Transit Type, and Blocked Transit Trace Information values from the received Crankback information element. The resulting Saved Modified Trace transit list information element shall be used as the Current Trace transit list information element. * Otherwise (the Trace status in the Saved Modified Trace transit list information element is not "trace in progress"), there is no Current Trace transit list information element. Procedures at a Node Allowed to Perform Alternate Routing Examples of nodes allowed to perform alternate routing are: DTL originators, some entry border nodes, nodes receiving a crankback indicating "Call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface" and nodes receiving AINI crankback. A node that attempts alternate routing shall apply the following procedures in addition to standard PNNI crankback and alternate routing procedures: * If there is a Current Trace transit list information element, then the Current Trace transit list shall be copied into the new SETUP or ADD PARTY message, and the Trace transit list procedures specified in Section (commencing with step 6) shall apply. If the node does not attempt alternate routing or if alternate routing fails for any reason, the procedures of section 4.3.3 shall apply, if they have not yet been applied as part of the above procedures, before the call clearing message is propagated towards the trace source node. If the C flag is set to 1 in the Saved Original Trace transit list, then these procedures will cause a new logical node / logical port entry and crankback field to be added to the message's Trace transit list information element. Procedures at a Trace Destination Node If a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY or ADD PARTY REJECT message is received at a trace destination node and the received message does not contain a Crankback information element, then * The Saved Modified Trace transit list information element shall be copied into the call clearing message. * If the Trace status field in the message is set to "trace in progress", then it shall be set to "trace completed normally". * Normal call clearing procedures shall then apply. If a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE or ADD PARTY REJECT message received at a trace destination node contains a Crankback information element and it was received over a PNNI interface, then the procedures of Sections or shall apply. If a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE or ADD PARTY REJECT message received at a trace destination node contains a Crankback information element and it was received over a non-PNNI interface, then * A "Crankback received at trace destination node" indicator shall be added to the Saved Modified Trace transit list information element. * The procedures of Section shall then apply with the Current Trace transit list set to the Saved Modified Trace transit list. Procedures at a Trace Source Node The trace source node shall remove the Trace transit list information element before progressing a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY or ADD PARTY REJECT message towards the calling party if the message contains the information element. If the Trace status field is set to "trace in progress", then it shall be changed to "trace incomplete". 4.3.5 Procedures at a Node Receiving a Call Accept Message When a node receives a call accept message, the procedures of Section or shall be applied as appropriate. Additionally, if the node is also the trace source node, the procedures of Section shall be applied as well. Procedures at a Node That Is Not The Trace Destination Node If the received CONNECT or ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE message does not contain a Trace transit list information element or this node refused to participate in path tracing, then * The Saved Modified Trace transit list information element shall be included in the CONNECT or ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE message. * If the Trace status field is set to "trace in progress", then the Trace status field in the message shall be set to "trace incomplete". Otherwise, the Trace transit list information element from the received CONNECT or ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE message remains unmodified. Procedures at a Trace Destination Node * The following procedures shall apply:The Saved Modified Trace transit list information element shall be included in the CONNECT or ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE message. * If the Trace status field is set to "trace in progress", then the Trace status field in the message shall be set to "trace completed normally". Procedures at a Trace Source Node The trace source node shall remove the Trace transit list information element before progressing a CONNECT or ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE message towards the calling party. If the Trace status field is set to "trace in progress", then it shall be changed to "trace incomplete". 4.3.6 Trace Transit List Information Element Content Validation Nodes other than the trace source node shall not perform any content validation on those portions of a received Trace transit list information element commencing with the Trace source port identifier. This allows for future extensions to the Trace transit list information element. Only the information element length and Trace status may be modified. New fields may be appended to the Trace transit list information element. 4.3.7 Length Errors The following procedures apply: * at any point during the trace, if the length of the Trace transit list information element exceeds the maximum length, or * when the maximum message length is exceeded at any point during message processing (not necessarily during processing of the Trace transit list information element, for example while adding Designated transit list information elements) and a Trace transit list information element is present in the message. The node shall set the Trace status to "trace has exceeded information element length limitations" or "trace has exceeded message length limitations," as appropriate. If the Trace transit list information element indicates that the call is to be released at the trace destination (i.e., the X flag is set to 1), then the call shall be released immediately by sending a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE or ADD PARTY REJECT message including the Trace transit list information element. The cause code in the Cause information element shall be set to cause #31 "normal, unspecified." Otherwise, the Trace transit list information element shall be removed from the message and saved locally as the Saved Modified Trace transit list. In addition, if the Trace transit list information element has not yet been saved above as the Saved Original Trace transit list, the current Trace transit list information element shall be saved as the Saved Original Trace transit list. 4.4 Compatibility with Nodes Not Supporting This Feature [NORMATIVE] If the X flag in the Trace transit list information element is set to 0, the trace source node shall set the IE instruction field flag in the Trace transit list information element to "follow explicit instructions" and the IE action indicator to "discard information element and proceed". If the X flag in the Trace transit list information element is set to 1, the trace source node shall set the IE instruction field flag in the Trace transit list information element to "follow explicit instructions" and the IE action indicator to "clear call". For all messages other than SETUP, ADD PARTY, and CO-BI SETUP, the Pass along request bit shall be set to "pass along request". Vendor equipment shall support the ability to set the Pass along request bit in SETUP, ADD PARTY, and CO-BI SETUP messages to "pass along request". It is recommended that networks be configured so that the Pass along request bit is set to "pass along request". This will increase the chances for partial trace information to be returned when the connection or party traverses one or more nodes that do not support path trace functionality. If the Pass along request bit is ever set to "pass along request" in a given network, all nodes at the edge of the network should support path trace functionality. Otherwise there will be some risk of trace information being exposed outside of the network. 5 Connection Trace 5.1 Connection Trace Description [INFORMATIVE] Connection tracing is used to determine the logical nodes and logical links traversed by an existing connection. The trace information may also include VPI/VCI and DLCI values, call reference values and endpoint reference values, if indicated by the flags in the Flag octet of the Trace transit list information element. Both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections are supported. Connection tracing may be carried out in either direction: towards the calling party, or towards the called party. Connection tracing returns the path from the trace source node, which may be any node on the connection, to the trace destination node. Trace information is accumulated in the TRACE CONNECTION message sent from the trace source node to the trace destination node. The trace destination node returns the trace information in the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message. Figure 5-1 demonstrates tracing of an established point-to-point SVC connection between ATM UNIs from the calling party to the called party. Figure 5-1 Sample Message Sequence for Connection Trace Towards the Called Party The steps in tracing the connection are as follows: 1. Network management requests the trace source node to trace a given connection by providing the trace source interface and VPI/VCI or trace source interface and call reference, the trace direction and the trace flags. 2. The trace source node creates a TRACE CONNECTION message and adds a Trace transit list information element along with the flags provided by network management. The following information is then added: a) A port ID identifying the trace source UNI interface. b) If the V flag is set, the VPI/VCI used on the trace source interface. c) If the A flag is set, the call reference used on the trace source interface. The trace source node then adds its own node ID and its outgoing port ID and forwards the TRACE CONNECTION message to the next node. 3. The intermediate node receives the TRACE CONNECTION message and adds the following information: a) If the V flag is set, the VPI/VCI value on the incoming interface. b) If the A flag is set, the call reference value on the incoming interface. The intermediate node then adds its own node ID and the outgoing port ID and forwards the TRACE CONNECTION message to the next node. 4. The trace destination node adds information about the incoming interface (VPI/VCI, call reference) to the Trace transit list information element in the same manner as intermediate nodes. It then adds its own node ID and outgoing port ID. Information about the destination UNI interface is also added as follows: a) If the V flag is set, the VPI/VCI used on the destination UNI. b) If the A flag is set, the call reference used on the destination UNI. The trace destination node sets the Trace status field to "trace completed normally", creates a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message, adds the Trace transit list information element to the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message and sends it back towards the trace source node. 5. Intermediate nodes forward the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message without any further processing 6. At the trace source node, the Trace transit list information element is removed from the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message and saved for retrieval by network management. The TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message is not progressed further by the trace source node. Figure 5-2 demonstrates tracing of an established point-to-point SVC connection between ATM UNIs from the called party to the calling party. The steps followed are analogous to those described for Figure 5-1. Figure 5-2 Sample Message Sequence for Connection Trace Towards the Calling Party 5.2 Messages [NORMATIVE] Table 5-1 shows the new messages added for the connection trace capability. Table 5-1 Messages Used with ATM Connection Trace Message Reference TRACE CONNECTION 5.2.1 TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE 5.2.2 Table 5-2 shows the new codings used for these messages. These are in addition to those of Table 6-1/PNNI 1.0 in Section 6.3.1/PNNI 1.0, Table 6-2/PNNI 1.0 in Section 6.3.2/PNNI 1.0 and Table 6-3/PNNI 1.0 in Section 6.3.3/PNNI 1.0. Table 5-2 Connection Trace Additional Codings Message type (octet 1) Bits Meaning 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 TRACE CONNECTION 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE 5.2.1 TRACE CONNECTION This message is sent to trace the logical nodes and logical links traversed by an existing connection. Message type: TRACE CONNECTION Direction: Both Significance: Global Information Element Reference Type Length Protocol discriminator 6.4.2/PNNI 1.0 M 1 Call reference 6.4.3/PNNI 1.0 M 4 Message type 1.0 M 2 Message length 1.0 M 2 Endpoint reference 1.0 O(1) 7 Trace transit list 3.1 M 33-1466 Note 1 - Included only when the call reference identifies a point-to-multipoint connection. Figure 5-3 TRACE CONNECTION message contents 5.2.2 TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE This message is sent to acknowledge a TRACE CONNECTION message and to return the Trace Transit List information. Message type: TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE Direction: Both Significance: Global Information Element Reference Type Length Protocol discriminator 6.4.2/PNNI 1.0 M 1 Call reference 6.4.3/PNNI 1.0 M 4 Message type 1.0 M 2 Message length 1.0 M 2 Endpoint reference 1.0 O(1) 7 Trace transit list 3.1 M 33-1466 Note 1 - Included if the Endpoint reference information element was included in the TRACE CONNECTION message being responded to. The endpoint reference value must be the same as the value in the TRACE CONNECTION message being responded to. Figure 5-4 TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message contents 5.3 Connection Trace Procedures [NORMATIVE] 5.3.1 Processing a TRACE CONNECTION Message In the following procedures, the sections describing V flag processing do not apply to the Connection Trace of Connection Oriented Bearer Independent (CO-BI) calls. The trace source node initiates the connection trace by creating a TRACE CONNECTION message including a Trace transit list information element, to be sent on the outgoing interface in the appropriate direction. The connection or party to be traced is identified by the call reference and, for parties of point-to-multipoint connections, the endpoint reference. The trace transit list records the path traversed by the SETUP or ADD PARTY message from the trace source node to the trace destination node. The trace source node controls what path information is recorded by setting the V (VPI/VCI) and A (call/endpoint reference) flags in the Trace transit list information element. If the V flag is set to 1, the VPI/VCI values used on each link are recorded. In the case of Frame Relay endpoints, the DLCI values of those endpoints are also recorded. If the A flag is set to 1, the call reference values used on each link, and endpoint reference values for point-to-multipoint connections, are recorded. The flags C and X in the Trace transit list information element shall be set to zero when originating a TRACE CONNECTION message and shall be ignored during processing. After adding the Flags field to the Trace transit list information element, the trace source node shall add the Trace status field with the value set to "trace in progress". Trace information shall then be added to the Trace transit list information element as described in the following procedures. Nodes other than the trace source node shall not perform any content validation on those portions of the received Trace transit list information element after the Trace status field. This allows for future extensions to the Trace transit list information element. Only the information element length and Trace status may be modified. New fields may be appended to the Trace transit list information element. Each node traversed by the TRACE CONNECTION message, including the trace source node, shall add the following fields to the Trace transit list information element, in this order, before progressing the message: 1. If a TRACE CONNECTION message is received over an incoming interface, then: * If the connection or party is in the null state, then the TRACE CONNECTION message shall be treated as an unexpected message and the procedures of section shall apply. * If the connection or party is in a clearing state, then the TRACE CONNECTION message shall be discarded and no further action shall be taken. * Otherwise, if the connection is not in the Active call state or the party is not in the Active party state on the incoming interface, then the node shall set the Trace status to "trace incomplete", copy the Trace transit list information element from the TRACE CONNECTION message to a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message, and send it on the incoming interface and processing is complete. * Otherwise, if the Trace status in the Trace transit list information element is not "trace in progress", then the node shall copy the Trace transit list information element from the TRACE CONNECTION message to a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message and send it on the incoming interface and processing is complete. 2. If this node is the trace source node and the direction of the trace is incoming from the trace source interface, the Trace source port identifier field with the value either set to zero (if the Trace source interface is not a PNNI interface and no logical port ID is assigned to this interface) or identifying the trace source interface from which the path trace is initiated; 3. If the V flag is set to 1 and * this node is the trace source node and the trace direction is specified as the incoming direction from the trace source interface, then: * if the trace source interface is an ATM interface, a VPI/VCI entry for the trace source interface (note that what is traced is the actual VPI used for the connection on this side of the trace source interface, not the VPCI), * if the trace source interface is a Frame Relay interface and a 1:1 mapping is used between the Frame Relay and the ATM connection, a DLCI entry for the trace source interface, * if the trace source interface is neither an ATM interface, nor a Frame Relay interface (e.g. Circuit Emulation Service), a VPI/VCI entry may be added for the trace source interface, * this node is not the trace source node, a VPI/VCI entry for the interface on which the TRACE CONNECTION message was received (note that what is traced is the actual VPI used for the connection on this side of the interface, not the VPCI); 4. If the A flag is set to 1 and * this node is the trace source node, the trace direction is specified as the incoming direction from the trace source interface, the connection leg on the trace source interface is switched, and the trace source interface supports a call reference that can be specified in 3 octets, a call reference entry for the trace source interface including the endpoint reference field for point-to-multipoint connections, * this node is not the trace source node, a call reference entry for the interface on which the TRACE CONNECTION message was received, including the endpoint reference field for point-to-multipoint connections; 5. If this node refuses to participate in connection traces received over the incoming interface, a logical node / logical port entry including this node's lowest-level logical node identifier. The logical port identifier shall be set to zero. In addition, the Trace Continuation refusal indicator shall be inserted into the Trace transit list information element and the Trace status field shall be set to "trace incomplete". Rather than continuing to progress the TRACE CONNECTION message, a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message shall be returned on the interface over which the TRACE CONNECTION message was received. The Trace transit list information element from the TRACE CONNECTION message, as modified by the procedures above, shall be copied into the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message before progressing the message towards the trace source node; 6. One logical node / logical port entry where the logical node ID specifies the lowest level logical node and * if this node is not the trace destination node, the logical port specifies the outgoing interface on which the TRACE CONNECTION message will be progressed, * if this node is the trace destination node, the logical port is either set to zero (if the next link is not a PNNI interface and no logical port ID is assigned to this interface) or specifies the next link traversed by the connection or party; 7. If the connection is not in the Active call state or the party is not in the Active party state on the outgoing interface, then the node shall set the Trace status to "trace incomplete", copy the Trace transit list information element from the TRACE CONNECTION message to a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message, the and send it on the incoming interface and processing is complete. If the outgoing interface is not known, then the logical port ID entry added in step 6 shall be coded to zero. 8. If this node is the trace destination node and the V flag is set to 1: * If the trace destination interface is an ATM interface, a VPI/VCI entry for the trace destination interface; * If the trace destination interface is a Frame Relay interface and a 1:1 mapping is used between the Frame Relay and the ATM connection, a DLCI entry for the trace destination interface; * If the trace destination interface is not an ATM interface or a Frame Relay interface (e.g. Circuit Emulation Service), a VPI/VCI entry may be added for the trace destination interface. 9. If this node is the trace destination node, the A flag is set to 1, the connection leg on the trace destination interface is switched, and the trace destination interface supports a call reference that can be specified in 3 octets, a call reference entry for the trace destination interface including the endpoint reference for point-to-multipoint connections. The trace destination node shall acknowledge a TRACE CONNECTION message by sending a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message on the incoming interface over which the TRACE CONNECTION message was received. The Trace transit list information element in the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message shall be derived by copying the content of the Trace transit list information element from the TRACE CONNECTION message, after adding appropriate fields as described above, and setting the Trace status field to "trace completed normally". The procedures of Section 5.3.3 shall be followed to check for Trace transit list information element length exceeded errors and message length exceeded errors. During the procedures above, if the node cannot progress the TRACE CONNECTION message towards the trace destination node due to conditions not stated above, the following procedures shall apply: * The node shall copy the Trace transit list information element from the TRACE CONNECTION message to a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message, * If the Trace status is "trace in progress", then the node shall set the Trace status in the Trace transit list information element to "trace incomplete" * The node shall send the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message on the incoming interface. 5.3.2 Processing a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE Message When a node other than the trace source node receives a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message, it progresses it across the incoming interface over which the TRACE CONNECTION message was received. The node shall not perform any content validation on the received Trace transit list information element. When the trace source node receives a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message, it shall examine the first logical node entry in the received Trace transit list information element. If the first logical node id of the trace transit list information element corresponds to the trace source node's logical node id, it shall save the Trace transit list information and terminate the progression of the message. If the first logical node id of the trace transit list does not correspond to the trace source node's id, the Trace transit list information element shall not be saved and the node shall not act as the trace source node. 5.3.3 Length Errors The following procedures apply: * at any point during the trace, if the length of the Trace transit list information element exceeds the maximum length, or * when the maximum message length is exceeded at any point during processing of a TRACE CONNECTION message (not necessarily during processing of the Trace transit list information element). The node shall set the Trace status to "trace has exceeded information element length limitations" or "trace has exceeded message length limitations," as appropriate. The node shall copy the Trace transit list information element from the TRACE CONNECTION message to a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message and shall send the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message on the incoming interface. 5.4 Compatibility with Nodes Not Supporting This Feature [NORMATIVE] The trace source node shall set the Message instruction field flag in the TRACE CONNECTION and TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE messages to "follow explicit instructions" and the Message action indicator to either "discard and ignore" or "discard and report status". The IE instruction field flag in the Trace transit list information element shall be set to "follow explicit instructions" and the IE action indicator to either "discard message, and ignore" or "discard message, and report status". The Pass along request bit shall be set to "pass along request" in TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE messages. Vendor equipment shall support the ability to set the Pass along request bit in TRACE CONNECTION messages to "pass along request". It is recommended that networks be configured so that the Pass along request bit in the TRACE CONNECTION message and in the Trace transit list information element be set to "pass along request". This will allow for partial trace information to be returned when the connection or party traverses one or more nodes that do not support connection trace functionality. However, no trace information will be returned, regardless of the setting of the Pass along request bit, when the intended trace destination node does not support connection trace functionality. If the Pass along request bit is ever set to "pass along request" in a given network, all nodes at the edge of the network should support connection trace functionality. Otherwise there will be some risk of trace information being exposed outside of the network. If the Pass along request bit is set to "no pass along request", and the connection or party traverses one or more nodes that do not support connection trace functionality, then no trace information will be returned. 6 References [1] Private Network-Network Interface Specification Version 1.0, The ATM Forum Technical Committee, af-pnni-0055.000, March 1996. [2] Network-to-network interface between public data networks providing the frame relay data transmission service, Amendment 1: switched virtual circuits, ITU-T Recommendation X.76 - Amendment 1, August 1997. [3] PNNI Addendum on PNNI/B-QSIG Interworking and Generic Functional Protocol for the Support of Supplementary Services, The ATM Forum Technical Committee, af-cs-0102.000, October 1998. Annex A Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) for PNNI 1.0 Path Trace A.1 Introduction To evaluate conformance of a particular implementation, it is necessary to have a statement of which capabilities and options have been implemented. Such a statement is called a Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS). A.1.1 Scope This document provides the PICS proforma for the Addendum to PNNI 1.0 for the support of Path and Connection Trace, as specified in this document in compliance with the relevant requirements, and in accordance with the relevant guidelines, given in ISO/IEC 9646-2 [CTMI]. In most cases, statements contained in notes in the specification, which were intended as information, are not included in the PICS. A.1.2 Normative References [1] ISO/IEC 9646-1: 1994, Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 1: General Concepts (See also ITU Recommendation X.290 (1995)). [2] ISO/IEC 9646-2:1994, Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and interconnection - Part 2: Abstract test suite specification (See also ITU telecommunication X.291 (1995)). [3] PNNI Addendum for Path and Connection Trace [4] Private Network to Network Interface V1.0, The ATM Forum Technical Committee, af-pnni-0055.000 [5] Private Network to Network Interface V 1.0, The ATM Forum Technical Committee, af-pnni-0081.000 [GFS] PNNI Addendum on PNNI/B-QSIG Interworking and Generic Functional Protocol for Support of Supplementary Service, AF-CS-0102.000, October 1998. A.1.3 Definitions This following terms defined in ISO/IEC 9646-1[CTMF] are used in this document: * A Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) is a statement made by the supplier of an implementation or system, stating which capabilities have been implemented for a given protocol. * A PICS proforma is a document, in the form of a questionnaire, designed by the protocol specifier or conformance test suite specifier, which when completed for an implementation or system becomes the PICS. A.1.4 Acronyms I.E. Information Element IUT Implementation under test M Mandatory requirements (these are to be observed in all cases) N/A Not supported, not applicable, or the conditions for status are not met. O Optional (may be selected to suit the implementation, provided that any requirements applicable to the options are observed) O.n Optional, but support is required for either at least one or only one of the options in the group labelled with the same numeral "n". PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement SUT System under test A.1.5 Conformance The supplier of a protocol implementation which is claimed to conform to the ATM Forum PNNI signalling Addendum for the support of Path Trace is required to complete a copy of the PICS proforma provided in this document and is required to provide the information necessary to identify both the supplier and the implementation. A.2 Identification of the Implementation Implementation Under Test (IUT) Identification IUT Name: _________________________________________________________________ IUT Version: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ System Under Test (SUT) Identification SUT Name: _________________________________________________________________ Hardware Configuration: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Operating System: ______________________________________________________________ Product Supplier Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________________________________ Facsimile Number: ______________________________________________________________ Email Address:_________________________________________________ Additional Information: ______________________________________________________________ Client Name: _________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: _______________________________________________________________ Facsimile Number: ______________________________________________________________ Email Address:_________________________________________________ Additional Information: ______________________________________________________________ PICS Contact Person Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ______________________________________________________________ Facsimile Number: ______________________________________________________________ Email Address:_________________________________________________ Additional Information: __________________________________________________________ PICS/System Conformance Statement Provide the relationship of the PICS with the System Conformance Statement for the system: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Identification of the protocol This PICS proforma applies to the following: The sections pertaining to Path Trace in the PNNI Addendum for Path and Connection Trace Version 1.0. A.3 PICS Proforma A.3.1 Global statement of conformance The implementation described in this PICS meets all of the mandatory requirements of the reference protocol. [ ] YES [ ] NO Note: Answering "No" indicates non-conformance to the specified protocol. Non-supported mandatory capabilities are to be identified in the following tables, with an explanation by the implementor explaining why the implementation is non-conforming. A.3.2 Instructions for Completing the PICS Proforma The PICS Proforma is a fixed-format questionnaire. Answers to the questionnaire should be provided in the rightmost columns, either by simply indicating a restricted choice (such as Yes or No), or by entering a value or a set of range of values. A supplier may also provide additional information, categorised as exceptional or supplementary information. These additional information should be provided as items labelled X. for exceptional information, or S. for supplemental information, respectively, for cross reference purposes, where is any unambiguous identification for the item. The exception and supplementary information are not mandatory and the PICS is complete without such information. The presence of optional supplementary or exception information should not affect test execution, and will in no way affect interoperability verification. The column labelled 'Reference' gives a pointer to sections of the protocol specification for which the PICS Proforma is being written. A.3.3 Major Capability (MC) Item Number Item Description Status Condition for status Reference Support MC 1 Does the IUT support path trace? M 4 Yes__No__ A.3.4 Subsidiary Capabilities (SC) Item Number Item Description Status Condition for status Reference Support SC 1 Does the IUT support path trace for point-to-point connections? M 4 Yes__No__ SC 2 Does the IUT support path trace for point-to-multipoint connections? M 4 Yes__No__ SC 3 Does the IUT support all trace status codes? M 3.1 Yes__No__ SC 4 Does the IUT support crankback tracing? M 3.1;; 4.3.3; 4.3.4 Yes__No__ SC 5 Does the IUT support Path Trace with out crankback information? M 3.1;; 4.3.3; 4.3.4 Yes__No__ SC 6 Does the IUT support call clearing at trace destination? M 3.1; 4.3.2 Yes__No__ SC 7 Does the IUT support VPI/VCI tracing? M 3.1; Yes__No__ SC 8 Does the IUT support Frame Relay interface as the trace source/destination interface ? O 3.1; Yes__No__ SC 9 Is the IUT capable of recognising and interpreting the encoding of DLCIs? M 3.1; Yes__No__ SC 10 Does the IUT support call reference value tracing? M 3.1; Yes__No__ SC 11 Does the IUT support endpoint reference value tracing? M 3.1; Yes__No__ SC 12 Does the IUT support insertion of Vendor Specific Information? O 3.1; Yes__No__ SC 13 Is the IUT capable of recognising the presence and length of the Vendor Specific octet group ? M 3.1; Yes__No__ SC 14 Does the IUT support the tracing of Connection Oriented Bearer Independent (CO-BI) calls? M MC2.3 from [GFS] 4.3.1 Yes__No__ SC 15 Does the IUT support PNNI Crankback Gap tracing? M 3.1; Yes__No__ SC 16 Can the IUT be configured to set the pass along request bit in the TTL information element to pass along request? M 4.4 Yes__No__ SC 17 Does the IUT support the refusal of trace for a call with a TTL information element? O 3.1; Yes__No__ SC 18 Does the IUT recognise the PNNI trace continuation refusal indicator? M 3.1 Yes__No__ SC 19 Does the IUT support generation of Crankback Received at trace destination node indicator? O 3.1; Yes__No__ SC 20 Does the IUT recognise the Crankback Received at Trace Destination node indicator? M 3.1 Yes__No__ Comments: the term 'Support' means the ability to perform all aspect of this capability. A.3.5 Trace Transit List Format (TTLF) Item Item Description Status Condition for status Reference Support TTLF 1 Is the TTL information element encoded according to the format described in Section 3.1? M 3.1 Yes__No__ TTLF 2 Does the IUT support a maximum TTL information element length of at least 1466 octets? M 4.2.1 Yes__No__ TTLF 3 Does the IUT support a maximum TTL information element length that is larger than 1466 octets? O 4.2.1 Yes__No__ TTLF 4 If the IUT supports a TTL information element that is greater than 1466 octets, what is the maximum size of TTL information element supported? M TTLF 3 4.2.1 TTLF 5 Does the IUT add at most one of each octet group into the TTL, in order of ascending octet group number, each time it processes a message, with the following exceptions: * A node may add multiple instances of octet group 17. When octet group 17 is added , it must immediately follow either * Octet 6, * An octet group 12, * An octet group 16, or * Another octet group 16. * A node attempting alternate routing may add instances of octet groups 12 through 17, in the proper order, after an octet group 16 or octet 15. * The trace destination node may only add instances of octet groups 8 through 11 in order (according to the procedures specified in, after octet group 12 or one or more octet groups 17 that themselves follow octet group 12, in addition to any instances of octet groups 8 through 11 (according to the procedures specified in that it adds prior to octet group 12 according to the normal sequence. M 3.1 Note 1 Yes__No__ TTLF 6 Is the IUT when acting as the trace source node capable of interpreting the encoding of the DLCI (octet group 9), even if it doesn't support Frame Relay? M SC 8 3.1; Yes__No__ Comments A.3.6 Procedures and Errors for Path Trace (PEPT) Item Item Description Status Condition for status Reference Support PEPT 1 Is the IUT when acting as the trace source node capable of setting the C, V and A flags to '0' and '1'? M Yes__No__ PEPT 2 Does the IUT when acting as the trace source node set the V flag and the A flag to zero if the X flag is set to 1? M Yes__No__ PEPT 3 Does the IUT set the V flag to zero when tracing Connection Oriented Bearer Independent (CO-BI) calls? M SC 13 4.3.1 Yes__No__ PEPT 4 In the subsequent questions in this section, does the term SETUP message apply to both SETUP and CO-BI SET UP messages except incases where the V flag is set? M SC 13 4.3.1 Yes__No__ PEPT 5 After adding the flags field to the TTL information element ,Does the IUT when acting as the trace source node add the Trace Status field with a value set to "trace in progress"? M Yes__No__ PEPT 6 If a Trace transit list information element is present in the received setup or add-party indication, Does the IUT continue the received trace (following the procedures of Section, ignoring any network specific policy that triggers a new path trace (i.e. this node shall not act as a trace source node)? M Yes__No__ PEPT 7 Whenever a SETUP or ADD PARTY message is received containing a Trace transit list information element with the Trace Status field not set to "trace in progress", does the IUT remove the TTL information element from the outgoing SETUP or ADD PARTY message and save it locally as Saved original TTL and the Saved Modified TTL? M Yes__No__ PEPT 8 If the Trace status field is not set to "trace in progress" and the X flag is set to '1', does the IUT * initiate call clearing using normal PNNI procedures with cause code set to #31 "normal, unspecified."? * Copy the TTL information element from the SETUP/ADD PARTY message into the RELEASE /RELEASE COMPLETE/ADD PARTY REJECT message before progressing the message towards the trace source node? M Yes__No__ PEPT 9 Does the IUT when acting as the trace source node add a Originating logical port identifier entry into the TTL information element with the value either set to zero(if the trace source interface is not a PNNI interface and no logical port ID is assigned to this interface) or identifying the trace source interface from which the path trace is initiated? M Yes__No__ PEPT 10 If the V flag is set to '1' and the trace source interface is an ATM interface, does the IUT when acting as the trace source node add a VPI/VCI entry for the trace source interface? M SC 6 Yes__No__ PEPT 11 If the V flag is set to 1 and the trace source interface is a FR interface and 1:1 mapping is used between the Frame Relay and ATM connections, does the IUT when acting as the trace source node add a DLCI entry for the trace source interface? M SC 7 Yes__No__ PEPT 12 If the V flag is set to 1 and the trace source interface is neither an ATM interface nor a FR interface (e.g. circuit emulation service), does the IUT when acting as the trace source node add a VPI/VCI entry for the trace source interface? O SC6 Yes__No__ PEPT13 If the V flag is set to '1' and the IUT is not the trace source node, does the IUT add a VPI/VCI entry for the incoming interface on which the SETUP/ADD PARTY message was received? M SC 6 Yes__No__ PEPT14 If the A flag is set to 1, the connection leg on the trace source interface is switched and the trace source interface supports a Call reference that can be specified in 3 octets, does the IUT when acting as the trace source node add a Call Reference entry for the trace source interface? M SC 9 Yes__No__ PEPT15 If the A flag is set to 1 and the IUT is not the trace source node, does the IUT add a Call Reference entry for the incoming interface on which the SETUP/CO-BI SETUP/ADD PARTY was received? M SC 9 Yes__No__ PEPT 16 If the A flag is set to 1, and the IUT is not the trace source node, does the IUT also include the endpoint reference value for point-to-multipoint connections for the interface on which the SETUP/ADD PARTY was received? M SC 10; SC 2 Yes__No__ PEPT 17 If the IUT refuses to participate in path traces received over the incoming interface, does the IUT add a Logical node/Logical port entry containing its lowest level logical node ID and a logical port identifier value set to zero? M Yes__No__ PEPT 18 If the IUT refuses to participate in path traces received over the incoming interface, does the IUT add the Trace Continuation refusal indicator to the TTL information element ? M SC 16 Yes__No__ PEPT 19 If the IUT refuses to participate in path traces received over the incoming interface and X flag is set to zero, does the IUT remove the TTL information element before progressing the SETUP or ADD PARTY message towards the called party? M Yes__No__ PEPT 20 If the IUT refuses to participate in path traces received over the incoming interface and the X flag is set to 1, does the IUT: * initiate normal PNNI call clearing procedures with cause code in the cause information element set to cause #31 "normal, unspecified"? * copy the TTL information element from the SETUP or ADD PARTY message into the RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE or ADD PARTY REJECT message before progressing the message towards the trace source node ? * The Trace status shall be set to "trace incomplete"? M Yes__No__ PEPT 21 Does the IUT add a Logical node/logical port entry where the logical node ID specifies the lowest level logical node and logical port specifies either a) the outgoing interface on which the SETUP/ADD PARTY message will be progressed if the IUT is not the trace destination node? or b) zero or the next link that would be traversed by the connection/party if the IUT is the trace destination node ? M Yes__No__ PEPT 22 If the IUT is the trace destination node, the V flag is set to 1 and the trace destination interface is an ATM interface, does the IUT add a VPI/VCI entry for the trace destination interface? M SC 6 Yes__No__ PEPT 23 If the IUT is the trace destination node, the V flag is set to 1 and the trace destination interface is a FR interface and 1:1 mapping is used between the Frame Relay and ATM connection, does the IUT add a DLCI entry for the trace destination interface? M SC 7 Yes__No__ PEPT 24 If the IUT is the trace destination node, the V flag is set to 1 and the terminating interface is neither an ATM interface nor FR interface (e.g. circuit emulation service), does the IUT add a VPI/VCI entry for the terminating interface? O SC6 Yes__No__ PEPT 25 If the IUT is the trace destination node, the A flag is set to 1, the connection leg on the trace destination interface is switched and the trace destination interface supports a call reference that can be specified in 3 octets, does the IUT add a Call Reference entry of the trace destination interface, including the endpoint reference if the connection is point-to-multipoint? M SC 9 Yes__No__ PEPT 26 If a SETUP/ADD PARTY message is received with the X flag in the TTL information element set to zero, does the IUT, when acting as trace destination node, remove the TTL information element before progressing the SETUP/ADD PARTY message towards the called party? M Yes__No__ PEPT 27 If the IUT is the trace destination node, the X flag is set to 1,and according to local information, there are insufficient resources to accept the connection/party on either the incoming or any interface over which the connection/party may be progressed, does the IUT perform call clearing procedures as specified in section 4.3.3? M SC 5 4.3.2 Yes__No__ PEPT 28 If the IUT is the trace destination node, the X flag is set to 1,and the IUT does not have reachability to the next transit identified in the DTL stack (if this is not the DTL Terminator) or to the called party number or specified transit network (if this is the DTL Terminator), does the IUT perform call clearing procedures as specified in section 4.3.3? M SC 5 4.3.2 Yes__No__ PEPT 29 If the X flag is set to 1 and after the IUT applied the procedures of section , does the IUT when acting as the trace destination node * copy the Saved Modified TTL information element into a RELEASE/RELEASE COMPLETE/ADD PARTY REJECT message? * Set the Trace status to "trace completed normally", if the trace status was set to "trace in progress"? M SC 5 4.3.2 Yes__No__ PEPT 30 If the X flag is set to 1 and after the node applied the procedures of section, does the IUT when acting as the trace destination node set the cause code to #31 "normal, unspecified" and follow standard PNNI procedures for call clearing? M SC 5 4.3.2 Yes__No__ PEPT 31 If the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to zero, does the IUT follow standard PNNI call clearing and crankback procedures, in case of error or failure? M SC 4a 4.3.3 Yes__No__ PEPT 32 If the C flag in the Saved original TTL is set to zero, does the IUT - initiate call clearing by sending a RELEASE/RELEASE COMPLETE/ADD PARTY REJECT message without the TTL information element? - When acting as a trace source node follow the procedures of section ( M SC 4a 4.3.3 Yes__No__ PEPT 33 If the C flag in the Saved Original TTL is set to 1 and the trace status field in the Saved Modified TTL is other than "trace in progress", does the IUT - copy the Saved Modified TTL information element into the RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message? - When acting as a trace source node follow the procedures in section ( M SC4 4.3.3 Yes__No__ PEPT 34 If the trace status field in the Saved Modified TTL information element is set to "trace in progress", does the IUT place the Saved Modified TTL information element into the RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PART REJECT message generated by the node toward the calling party and - if this node did not refuse to participate in this path trace and no logical node/logical port entry has been added to the TTL information element for this node during the processing of the current message, does the IUT add one logical node/logical port entry containing the logical node ID of the lowest level node and the logical port set to zero? - If this node is the DTL originator or the call/party is cleared without crankback, does the IUT set the Trace status field in the TTL information element to "trace incomplete" and no crankback field shall be added to the TTL information element? - If the call/party is cleared with crankback and this node is not the DTL originator, does the IUT add a crankback field to the TTL information element with the appropriate crankback cause and Blocked Transit Type values from the generated cranckback information element? - If this is the trace source node, does the IUT apply the procedures Section (4.3.4)? M SC4 4.3.3 Yes__No__ PEPT 35 If the call clearing message is being sent towards the called party or if a CONNECT or ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE message has already been sent toward the calling party, does IUT ignore the procedures in section (4.3.4)? M 4.3.4 Yes__No__ PEPT 36 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY or ADD PARTY REJECT message does not contain a Crankback information element, the message contains TTL information element, the IUT refused to participate in the path trace and the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '1', does the IUT replace the TTL information element in the received call clearing message by the Saved Modified TTL information element in the received call clearing message? M Yes__No__ PEPT 37 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE,DROP PARTY or ADD PARTY REJECT message does not contain a Crankback information element, the message contains TTL information element, the IUT refused to participate in the path trace and the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '0', does the IUT remove the TTL information element from the call clearing message? M Yes__No__ PEPT 38 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY OR ADD PARTY REJECT message does not contain a Crankback information element, the message contains TTL information element and the IUT is not a trace source node, does the IUT pass the TTL information element in the call clearing message? M Yes__No__ PEPT 39 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY or ADD PARTY REJECT message does not contain a Crankback information element, the message contains TTL information element and the IUT is a trace source node, does the IUT follow the procedures in section M Yes__No__ PEPT 40 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY or ADD PARTY REJECT message does not contain a Crankback information element, the message does not contain TTL information element and the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '1', does the IUT - include the Saved Modified TTL information element in the call clearing message? - Set the Trace status field to "trace incomplete", if the field is set to "trace in progress"? M Yes__No__ PEPT 41 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY or ADD PARTY REJECT message does not contain a Crankback information element, the message does not contain TTL information element and the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '0', does the IUT - follow normal call clearing procedures? - not include TTL information element in the call clearing message? M Yes__No__ PEPT 42 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY or ADD PARTY REJECT message does not contain a Crankback information element, the message does not contain TTL information element and the IUT is acting as a trace source node, does the IUT follow the procedures in section M Yes__No__ PEPT 43 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and - the Blocked transit type is not "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", and - the IUT is not DTL originator, and - the IUT is not an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, and the received message has a TTL information element, does the IUT act as if no TTL information element was received? M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 44 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and - the Blocked transit type is not "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", and - the IUT is not DTL originator, and - the IUT is not an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, and the received message has a TTL information element, the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '1' and the IUT is acting as a trace source node, does the IUT follow the procedures of section M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 45 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and - the Blocked transit type is not "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", and - the IUT is not DTL originator, and - the IUT is not an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, and if the IUT refused to participate in the path trace or it is acting as a trace source destination node, there is a TTL information element in the call clearing message, does the IUT delete the TTL information element? M SC4, SC16 Yes__No__ PEPT 46 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and - the Blocked transit type is not "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", and - the IUT is not DTL originator, and - the IUT is not an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, and the received message has a TTL information element, the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '1' and the IUT is not the trace source node, does the IUT pass the received TTL information element toward the trace source node in the call clearing message? M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 47 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and - the Blocked transit type is not "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", and - the IUT is not DTL originator, and - the IUT is not an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, and the received message has a TTL information element and the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '0', does the IUT remove the TTL information element from the call clearing message? M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 48 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and - the Blocked transit type is not "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", and - the IUT is not DTL originator, and - the IUT is not an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, and the received message does not contain a TTL information element and the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '0', does the IUT - follow normal call clearing procedures? - no TTL information element shall be included in the call clearing message? M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 49 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and - the Blocked transit type is not "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", and - the IUT is not DTL originator, and - the IUT is not an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, and the received message does not contain a TTL information , the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '0' , does the IUT apply normal call clearing procedures and no TTL information element shall be included in the call clearing message? M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 50 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and - the Blocked transit type is not "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", and - the IUT is not DTL originator, and - the IUT is not an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, and the received message does not contain a TTL information element and the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '1', does the IUT include the Saved Modified TTL information element in the call clearing message? M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 51 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and - the Blocked transit type is not "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", and - the IUT is not DTL originator, and - the IUT is not an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, and the received message does not contain a TTL information element, the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '1' and the Trace status in the Saved Modified TTL information element is "trace in progress", does the IUT append a Crankback gap indicator in the TTL information element followed by crankback field with the appropriate Crankback cause, Blocked Transit type and Blocked Transit Trace information values from the received Crankback information element? M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 52 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and - The Blocked transit type is not "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", and - the IUT is not DTL originator, and - the IUT is not an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, and the received message does not contain a TTL information element, the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '1', and the Trace status in the Saved Modified TTL information element is not "trace in progress", does the IUT perform no further processing of the TTL information element? M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 53 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and if either - The Blocked transit type is "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", or - the IUT is a DTL originator, or - the IUT is an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, if the IUT refuses to participate in the path trace, does the IUT follow the procedures of section and there is no current TTL information element? M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 54 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and if either - The Blocked transit type is "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", or - the IUT is a DTL originator, or - the IUT is an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, if the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '0', does the IUT follow the procedures in section with the current TTL determined as follows: - if the trace status in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to "trace in progress", use the Saved Original TTL information as the Current TTL information element ? if the Trace Status field in the Saved Original TTL is not set to "trace in progress" have no Current TTL information element? M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 55 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and if either - The Blocked transit type is "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", or - the IUT is a DTL originator, or - the IUT is an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, if the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '1',if the IUT is not the trace destination node and if a TTL information element is present in the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE or ADD PARTY REJECT message, does the IUT - save the received TTL information element as the Saved Modified TTL information element? - use the received TTL as a current TTL information element in the procedures of section, if the Trace Status field is in "trace in progress"? use no current TTL information element in the procedures of section, if the trace status field is not set to "trace in progress"? M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 56 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and if either - The Blocked transit type is "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", or - the IUT is a DTL originator, or - the IUT is an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, if the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '1' , and if the Trace status in the Saved modified TTL information element is "trace in progress" and if either this is the trace destination node or no TTL information element is present in the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE or ADD PARTY REJECT message, does the IUT append a Crankback field indicator to the Saved Modified TTL information element followed by a Crankback field with the appropriate Crankback cause, Blocked Transit Type, and Blocked Transit Trace information element values from the received Crankback information element and use the resulting Saved Modified TTL as the Current TTL information element in the procedures of section M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 57 If the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE OR ADD PARTY REJECT message contains a Crankback information element and if either - The Blocked transit type is "call or party has been blocked at the succeeding end of this interface", or - the IUT is a DTL originator, or - the IUT is an entry border node that generated DTLs for this call of equal or higher level than the crankback level, if the C flag in the Saved Original TTL information element is set to '1', and if the Trace status in the Saved modified TTL information element is not "trace in progress" and if either this is the trace destination node or no TTL information element is present in the received RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE or ADD PARTY REJECT message, does the IUT use no Current TTL information element in the procedures of section,? M SC4 Yes__No__ PEPT 58 If the IUT is attempting alternate routing and there is a current TTL information element, does the IUT copy the Current TTL information element into the new SETUP/ADD PARTY message, and follow the procedures of section (commencing with step 6) ? M Yes__No__ PEPT 59 If the IUT does not attempt alternate routing or if alternate routing fails for any reason, does the IUT apply the procedures in section 4.3.3 (if they have not yet been applied as already)? M Yes__No__ PEPT 60 If a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY or ADD PARTY REJECT message is received that does not contain a crankback information element, does the IUT, when acting as a trace destination node: * copy the Saved Modified Trace transit list information element into the call clearing message? * set the trace status field in the TTL information element inserted into the call clearing message to "trace completed normally" if the trace status field in TTL information element is set to "trace in progress"? * commence normal call clearing procedures? M SC 4 Yes__No__ PEPT 61 If a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message is received over a PNNI interface that does contain a crankback information element, does the IUT, when acting as a trace destination node, follow the procedures of sections or ? M SC 4 Yes__No__ PEPT 62 If a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message is received over a non PNNI interface that does contain a crankback information element, does the IUT: - add crankback received at trace destination node indicator to the Saved Modified TTL information element? - apply the procedures of section with the current TTL information element set to Saved Modified TTL information element? M SC 4 Yes__No__ PEPT 63 Does the IUT when acting as a Trace source node remove the TTL information element and change the Trace status field to "trace in complete" if the field is set to "trace in progress" before progressing a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, DROP PARTY or ADD PARTY REJECT message towards the calling party if the message contains the IE ? M Yes__No__ PEPT 64 If the received CONNECT/ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE does not contain TTL information element or the IUT refuse to participate in path trace, does the IUT: * include the Saved Modified TTL information element in the CONNECT/ADD PARTY/ ACKNOWLEDGE message, * if the Trace status field in the message was set to 'trace in progress' ,set the Trace Status field to "trace incomplete"? M Yes__No__ PEPT 65 If the received CONNECT/ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE contains a TTL information element and the IUT did not refuse to participate in path tracing, does the IUT that is not acting as a Trace source node propagate the TTL information element unmodified? M Yes__No__ PEPT 66 Does the IUT, when acting as the trace destination node, add the Saved Modified TTL information element to the CONNECT or ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE message? M Yes__No__ PEPT 67 Does the IUT, when acting as the trace destination node, set the trace status field to "Trace completed normally" in the TTL information element within the CONNECT or ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE, message if the trace status field was set to "trace in progress" ? M Yes__No__ PEPT 68 Does the IUT, when acting as the trace source node, remove the TTL information element before progressing a CONNECT or ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE message towards the calling party and if the Trace status field is set to "trace in progress", then does the IUT change it to "trace incomplete"? M Yes__No PEPT 69 If the length of the TTL information element exceeds the maximum length or the maximum message length is exceeded at any point during message processing (not necessarily during processing of the trace transit list information element but, for example, while adding Designated Transit List information elements), does the IUT set the Trace Status field to "trace has exceeded information element length limitations" or "trace has exceeded message length limitations" as appropriate? M 4.3.7 Yes__No__ PEPT 70 If the length of the TTL information element exceeds the maximum length at any point during tracing or the maximum message length is exceeded at any point during message processing and the X flag is set to 1, does the IUT release the connection/party by sending a RELEASE, RELEASE COMPLETE, or ADD PARTY REJECT message with cause code in the Cause information element set to cause #31 "normal, unspecified" including the TTL information element? M SC 5 4.3.7 Yes__No__ PEPT 71 If the length of the TTL information element exceeds the maximum length at any point during tracing or the maximum message length is exceeded at any point during message processing and the X flag is set to zero, does the IUT * save the TTL information element locally as Saved Modified Trace transit list and remove the TTL information element, save the current TTL as the Saved Original TTL, if the TTL information element has not yet been saved as the Saved Original TTL? M SC 5 4.3.7 Yes__No__ Comments A.3.7 General Errors and Compatibility (GEC) Item Number Item Description Status Condition for status Reference Support GEC 1 If the X flag is set to zero, does the IUT when acting as the trace source node set the information element instruction field flag in the trace transit list information element to "follow explicit instructions" and the information element IE action indicator to "discard information element and proceed"? M 4.4 Yes__No__ GEC 2 If the X flag is set to 1, does the IUT when acting as the trace source node set the IE instruction field flag in the trace transit list information element to "follow explicit instructions" and the IE action indicator to "clear call"? M 4.4 Yes__No__ Comments A.3.8 Supported Messages (Message structure) (MS) Item Item Description Status Condition for status Reference Support MS 1 Does the IUT support the Trace transit list information element in the CONNECT message? M 4.2.1 Yes__No__ MS 2 Does the IUT support the Trace transit list information element in the RELEASE message? M 4.2.2 Yes__No__ MS 3 Does the IUT support the Trace transit list information element in the RELEASE COMPLETE message? M 4.2.3 Yes__No__ MS 4 Does the IUT support the Trace transit list information element in the SETUP message? M 4.2.4 Yes__No__ MS 5 Does the IUT support the Trace transit list information element in the ADD PARTY message? M 4.2.5 Yes__No__ MS 6 Does the IUT support the Trace transit list information element in the ADD PARTY ACKNOWLEDGE message? M 4.2.6 Yes__No__ MS 7 Does the IUT support the Trace transit list information element in the ADD PARTY REJECT message? M 4.2.7 Yes__No__ MS 8 Does the IUT support the Trace transit list information element in the CO-BI SETUP message? M MC2.3 from [GFS] 4.2.9 Yes__No__ MS 9 Does the IUT support the Trace transit list information element in the Drop party message? M 4.2.2 Yes__No__ Comments Annex B Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) for PNNI 1.0 Connection Trace [NORMATIVE] B.1 Introduction To evaluate conformance of a particular implementation, it is necessary to have a statement of which capabilities and options have been implemented. Such a statement is called a Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS). B.1.1 Scope This document provides the PICS proforma for the Addendum to PNNI 1.0 for the support of Path and Connection Trace, as specified in this document in compliance with the relevant requirements, and in accordance with the relevant guidelines, given in ISO/IEC 9646-2 [CTMI]. In most cases, statements contained in notes in the specification, which were intended as information, are not included in the PICS. B.1.2 Normative References [1] ISO/IEC 9646-1: 1994, Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 1: General Concepts (See also ITU Recommendation X.290 (1995)). [2] ISO/IEC 9646-2:1994, Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and interconnection - Part 2: Abstract test suite specification (See also ITU telecommunication X.291 (1995)). [3] PNNI Addendum for Path and Connection Trace [4] Private Network to Network Interface V1.0, The ATM Forum Technical Committee, af-pnni-0055.000 [5] Private Network to Network Interface V 1.0, The ATM Forum Technical Committee, af-pnni-0081.000 [GFS] PNNI Addendum on PNNI/B-QSIG Interworking and Generic Functional Protocol for Support of Supplementary Service, AF-CS-0102.000, October 1998. B.1.3 Definitions This following terms defined in ISO/IEC 9646-1[CTMF] are used in this document: * A Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) is a statement made by the supplier of an implementation or system, stating which capabilities have been implemented for a given protocol. * A PICS proforma is a document, in the form of a questionnaire, designed by the protocol specifier or conformance test suite specifier, which when completed for an implementation or system becomes the PICS. B.1.4 Acronyms I.E. Information Element IUT Implementation under test M Mandatory requirements (these are to be observed in all cases) N/A Not supported, not applicable, or the conditions for status are not met. O Optional (may be selected to suit the implementation, provided that any requirements applicable to the options are observed) O.n Optional, but support is required for either at least one or only one of the options in the group labelled with the same numeral "n". PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement SUT System under test B.1.5 Conformance The supplier of a protocol implementation which is claimed to conform to the ATM Forum PNNI signalling Addendum for the support of Connection Trace is required to complete a copy of the PICS proforma provided in this document and is required to provide the information necessary to identify both the supplier and the implementation. B.2 Identification of the Implementation Implementation Under Test (IUT) Identification IUT Name: _________________________________________________________________ IUT Version: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ System Under Test (SUT) Identification SUT Name: _________________________________________________________________ Hardware Configuration: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Operating System: ________________________________________________________________ Product Supplier Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________________________________ Facsimile Number: ______________________________________________________________ Email Address:_________________________________________________ Additional Information: ______________________________________________________________ Client Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________________________________ Facsimile Number: ______________________________________________________________ Email Address:________________________________________________ Additional Information: _____________________________________________________________ PICS Contact Person Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________________________________ Facsimile Number: ______________________________________________________________ Email Address:_________________________________________________ Additional Information: __________________________________________________________ PICS/System Conformance Statement Provide the relationship of the PICS with the System Conformance Statement for the system: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Identification of the protocol This PICS proforma applies to the following: The sections pertaining to Connection Trace in the PNNI Addendum for Path and Connection Trace Version 1.0. B.3 PICS Proforma B.3.1 Global statement of conformance The implementation described in this PICS meets all of the mandatory requirements of the reference protocol. [ ] YES [ ] NO Note: Answering "No" indicates non-conformance to the specified protocol. Non-supported mandatory capabilities are to be identified in the following tables, with an explanation by the implementor explaining why the implementation is non-conforming. B.3.2 Instructions for Completing the PICS Proforma The PICS Proforma is a fixed-format questionnaire. Answers to the questionnaire should be provided in the rightmost columns, either by simply indicating a restricted choice (such as Yes or No), or by entering a value or a set of range of values. A supplier may also provide additional information, categorised as exceptional or supplementary information. These additional information should be provided as items labelled X. for exceptional information, or S. for supplemental information, respectively, for cross reference purposes, where is any unambiguous identification for the item. The exception and supplementary information are not mandatory and the PICS is complete without such information. The presence of optional supplementary or exception information should not affect test execution, and will in no way affect interoperability verification. The column labelled 'Reference' gives a pointer to sections of the protocol specification for which the PICS Proforma is being written. B.3.3 Major Capability (MC) Item Number Item Description Status Condition for status Reference Support MC 1 Does the IUT support connection trace? M 5 Yes__No__ B.3.4 Subsidiary Capabilities (SC) Item Number Item Description Status Condition for status Reference Support SC 1 Does the IUT support connection trace for point-to-point connections? M 5 Yes__No__ SC 2 Does the IUT support connection trace for point-to-multipoint connections? M 5 Yes__No__ SC 3 Does the IUT support all trace status codes? M 3.1 Yes__No__ SC 4 Does the IUT support VPI/VCI tracing? M 3.1; 5.3 Yes__No__ SC 5 Does the IUT support generation of DLCIs? O 3.1; 5.3 Yes__No__ SC 6 Is the IUT capable of recognising and interpreting the encoding of DLCIs? M 3.1; 5.3 Yes__No__ SC 7 Does the IUT support call reference value tracing? M 3.1; 5.3 Yes__No__ SC 8 Does the IUT support endpoint reference value tracing? M 3.1; 5.3 Yes__No__ SC 9 Does the IUT support insertion of Vendor Specific Information? O 3.1 Yes__No__ SC 10 Is the IUT capable of recognising the presence and length of the Vendor Specific octet group? M 3.1 Yes__No__ SC 11 Does the IUT support the tracing of Connection Oriented Bearer Independent (CO-BI) connections? M MC2.3 from [GFS] 4.3.1 Yes__No__ SC 12 Can the IUT be configured to set the pass a long request bit to "pass along request" in the TRACE CONNECTION message ? M 5.4 Yes__No__ SC 13 Can the IUT be configured to set the pass along request bit to "pass along request" in the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message ? M 5.4 Yes__No__ SC 14 Can the IUT be configured to set the pass along request bit to "pass along request" in the Trace Transit List information element? M 5.4 Yes__No__ SC 15 Does the IUT support the refusal of trace of a call that contains a TTL information element? O 3.1 Yes__No__ Comments: B.3.5 Trace Transit List Format (TTLF) Item Item Description Status Condition for status Reference Support TTLF 1 Is the TTL information element encoded according to the format described in Section 3.1? M 3.1 Yes__No__ TTLF 2 Does the IUT support a maximum TTL information element length of at least 1466 octets? M 4.2.1 Yes__No__ TTLF 3 Does the IUT support a maximum TTL information element length that is larger than 1466 octets? O 4.2.1 Yes__No__ TTLF 4 If the IUT supports a TTL information element that is greater than 1466 octets, what is the maximum size of TTL information element supported? M TTLF 3 4.2.1 TTLF 5 Does the IUT add at most one of each octet group into the TTL information element, in order of ascending octet group number, each time it processes a message? with the following exceptions: * A node may add multiple instances of octet group 17. When octet group 17 is added , it must immediately follow either * Octet 6, * An octet group 12, * An octet group 16, or * Another octet group 17. A node attempting alternate routing may add instances of octet groups 12 through 17, in the proper order, after an octet group 16 or octet 15. * The trace destination node may only add instances of octet groups 8 through 11 in order (according to the procedures specified in, after octet group 12 or one or more octet groups 16 that themselves follow octet group 12, in addition to any instances of octet groups 8 through 11 (according to the procedures specified in that it adds prior to octet group 12 according to the normal sequence. M 3.1 Note 1 Yes__No__ TTLF 6 Is the IUT when acting as the trace source node capable of interpreting the encoding of the DLCI (octet group 9), even if it doesn't support Frame Relay? M SC 6 3.1; Yes__No__ TTLF 7 Is the IUT capable of interpreting the encoding of the Vendor Specific Information (octet group 16)? M SC10 3.1; Yes__No__ Comments B.3.6 Messages for Connection Trace (MCT) Item Number Item Description Status Condition for status Reference Support MCT 1 Does the IUT support the TRACE CONNECTION message? M 5.2.1 Yes__No__ MCT 2 Does the IUT support the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message? M 5.2.2 Yes__No__ B.3.7 Procedures and Errors for Connection Trace (PECT) Item Item Description Status Condition for status Reference Support PECT 1 Does the IUT when acting as the trace source node initiate the connection trace by creating TRACE CONNECTION message including a TTL information element to be sent on the outgoing interface in the appropriate direction? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 2 Does the IUT when originating a TRACE CONNECTION message set the C and X flags to zero in the TTL information element and ignore it during processing? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 3 After adding the Flags field to the TTL information element , does the IUT when acting as a trace source node add the Trace status field with the value set to "trace in progress" M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 4 Does the IUT ignore the V flag when tracing Bearer Independent (CO-BI) calls? M SC11 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 5 When the IUT is not the trace source node, does the IUT not perform any content validation on those portions of the received TTL information element after the trace status field? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 6 If a TRACE CONNECTION message is received over an incoming interface: - if the connection or party is in the null state , does the IUT treat the TRACE CONNECTION message as an unexpected message and there procedures of section 1.0 shall apply? if the connection or part is in a clearing state, does the IUT discard the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message and no further action will be taken? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 7 If a TRACE CONNECTION message is received over an incoming interface, the Trace status in the TTL information element is "trace in progress", the connection/party is not in the Active /null or a call/party clearing state on the incoming interface , does the IUT * set the Trace status to "trace incomplete; * copy the TTL information element from the TRACE CONNECTION message to the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message; * send it on the incoming interface? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 8 When the IUT is acting as the trace source node and the direction of the trace is incoming from the trace source node, does the IUT add the Trace source port identifier field, with the value either set to zero (if this is not a PNNI interface and no logical port ID is assigned to this interface)or identifying the originating logical port from which the path trace is initiated? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 9 If the V flag is set to '1', the trace direction is specified as the incoming direction from the trace source interface and the trace source interface is an ATM interface, does the IUT when acting as the trace source node add a VPI/VCI entry for the trace source interface? M SC 4 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 10 If the V flag is set to 1, the trace direction is specified as the incoming direction from the trace source interface, the trace source interface is a FR interface and 1:1 mapping is used between the Frame Relay and ATM connection,, does the IUT when acting as the trace source node add a DLCI entry for the trace source interface? M SC 5 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 11 If the V flag is set to 1 the trace direction is specified as the incoming direction from the trace source interface and the trace source interface is neither an ATM interface nor a FR interface(e.g. Circuit emulation service), does the IUT when acting as the trace source node add a VPI/VCI entry for the trace source interface? O SC4 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 12 If the V flag is set to '1' and the IUT is not the trace source node, does the IUT add a VPI/VCI entry for the interface on which the TRACE CONNECTION message was received? M SC 4 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 13 If the A flag is set to 1, the trace direction is specified as the incoming direction from the trace source interface, the connection leg on the trace source interface is switched and the trace source interface supports a Call reference that can be specified in 3 octets, does the IUT when acting as the trace source node add a Call Reference entry for the trace source interface? M SC 7 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 14 If the A flag is set to 1 and the IUT is not the trace source node, does the IUT add a Call Reference entry for the interface on which the TRACE CONNECTION was received? M SC 7 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 15 If the A flag is set to 1, does the IUT also include the endpoint reference value for point-to-multipoint connections? M SC 8 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 16 If the IUT refuses to participate in connection traces received over the incoming interface, does the IUT add a Logical node/Logical port entry including its lowest level logical node ID and the logical port set to all zeros? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 17 If the IUT refuses to participate in connection traces received over the incoming interface, does the IUT insert the Trace continuation refusal indicator into the TTL information element and set the Trace status to "trace incomplete "? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 18 If the IUT refuses to participate in connection traces received over the incoming interface, does the IUT copy the modified TTL information element from the TRACE CONNECTION message into the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message and return this message on the incoming interface over which the TRACE CONNECTION message was received? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 19 Does the IUT add a logical node/logical port entry into the TTL information element, where the logical node specifies the lowest level logical node and the logical port specifies either a) the outgoing interface on which the SETUP/ADD PARTY message will be progressed if the IUT is not the trace destination node? or b) zero or the next link that would be traversed by the connection/party if the IUT is the trace destination node? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 20 If the connection is not in the Active call state or the party is not in the Active party state on the outgoing interface, does the IUT * set the Trace status to "trace incomplete"; * copy the TTL information element from the TRACE CONNECTION message to a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message? * send the message on the incoming interface? * Set to zero the logical port id entry added in step 6, If the outgoing interface is not known ? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 21 If the IUT is the trace destination node, the V flag is set to 1 and the trace destination interface is an ATM interface, does the IUT add a VPI/VCI entry for the trace destination interface? M SC 4 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 22 If the IUT is the trace destination node, the V flag is set to 1 and the trace destination interface is a FR interface and a 1:1 mapping is used between the Frame Relay and the ATM connection, does the IUT add a DLCI entry for the trace destination interface? M SC 5 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 23 If the IUT is the trace destination node, the V flag is set to 1 and the trace destination interface is neither an ATM interface nor a Frame Relay interface, does the IUT add a VPI/VCI entry for the trace destination interface? O SC4 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 24 If the IUT is the trace destination node, the A flag is set to 1, the connection leg on the trace destination interface is switched and the trace destination interface supports a Call reference that can be specified in 3 octets, does the IUT add a Call Reference entry for the trace destination interface? M SC 7 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 25 If the A flag is set to 1, does the IUT when acting as the trace destination node also add a endpoint reference entry for point-to-multipoint connections? M SC 8 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 26 For point to point connections, does the IUT determine the outgoing interface from the local connection table using the call reference value? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 27 For point to multipoint connections, does the IUT determine the outgoing interface from the local connection table using the call reference and endpoint reference values? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 28 Does the IUT when acting as the trace destination node send a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message on the incoming interface over which the TRACE CONNECTION message was received? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 29 Does the IUT when acting as the trace destination node copy the content of the TTL information element from the TRACE CONNECTION message into the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message, after adding all appropriate fields and setting the Trace Status field to "trace completed normally"? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 30 During the procedures specified in section 5.3.1, if the IUT can not progress the TRACE CONNECTION message towards the trace destination node due to conditions not stated in section 5.3.1, does the IUT * copy the TTL information element from the TRACE CONNECTION message to a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message; * if the Trace status is "trace in progress" set the Trace status in the TTL information element to "trace incomplete" ; send the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message on the incoming interface? M 5.3.1 Yes__No__ PECT 31 If the IUT is other than the trace source node, does the IUT progress the received TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message over the same incoming interface as the TRACE CONNECTION message was received? M 5.3.2 Yes__No__ PECT 32 When the trace source node receives a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message and the first logical node id of the TTL information element corresponds to the trace source node's logical node id, Does the IUT save the Trace transit list information element and terminates the progression of the message? M 5.3.2 Yes__No__ PECT 33 When the trace source node receives a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message and the first logical node id of the TTL information element does not correspond to the trace source node's id, Does the IUT not save the Trace transit list information element and the node shall not act as the trace source node? M 5.3.2 Yes__No__ PECT 34 If the length of the TTL information element exceeds the maximum length or the maximum message length is exceeded at any point during TRACE CONNECTION message processing (not necessarily during processing of the trace transit list information element, does the IUT set the Trace Status field to "trace has exceeded information element length limitations" or "trace has exceeded message length limitations" as appropriate? M 5.3.3 Yes__No__ PECT 35 If the length of the TTL information element exceeds the maximum length at any point during tracing or the maximum message length is exceeded at any point during TRACE CONNECTION message processing ,does the IUT copy the TTL information element from the TRACE CONNECTION message to a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message and send the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message on the incoming interface? M 5.3.3 Yes__No__ Comments B.3.8 Compatibility of Connection Trace (CCT) Item Number Item Description Status Condition for status Reference Support CCT 1 Does the IUT when acting as the trace source node set the Message instruction field flag in the TRACE CONNECTION message to "follow explicit instructions" and the Message action indicator to either "discard and ignore" or "discard and report status"? M 5.4 Yes__No__ CCT 2 Does the IUT when acting as the trace destination node set the Message instruction field flag in the TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message to "follow explicit instructions" and the Message action indicator to either "discard and ignore" or "discard and report status"? M 5.4 Yes__No__ CCT 3 Does the IUT when acting as the trace source node set the IE instruction field flag in the TTL information element to "follow explicit instructions" and the IE action indicator to either "discard message, and ignore" or "discard message, and report status"? M 5.4 Yes__No__ Comments Annex C Path and Connection Trace SNMP MIB [NORMATIVE] ATM-TRACE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Counter32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowStatus, TimeStamp, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF PnniNodeId, PnniPortId, pnniIfEntry FROM PNNI-MIB AtmAddr, AtmConnCastType, AtmConnKind, AtmServiceCategory, AtmVcIdentifier, AtmVpIdentifier, AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex FROM ATM-TC-MIB InterfaceIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB; atmTraceMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "0002220000Z" ORGANIZATION "The ATM Forum." CONTACT-INFO "The ATM Forum 2570 West El Camino Real, Suite 304 Mountain View, CA 94040-1313 USA Phone: +1 650-949-6700 Fax: +1 415-949-6705" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for ATM path and connection trace." REVISION "0002220000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version of the MIB for ATM path and connection trace." ::= { atmfTrace 1 } atmForum OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 353 } atmForumNetworkManagement OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmForum 5 } atmfSignalling OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmForumNetworkManagement 9 } atmfTrace OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmfSignalling 2 } atmTraceMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmTraceMIB 1 } -- Textual Conventions CallReference ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 24-bit Call Reference used by signalling to identify a connection. The Call Reference is structured in two parts. The most significant bit represents the Call Reference Flag and the 23 least significant bits represent the Call Reference Value. For the same call, the Call Reference Value is identical on both sides of an interface while the Call Reference Flag is different. For the side originating the Call Reference, the Call Reference Flag is set to '0' while it is set to '1' for the side not originating the Call Reference. The distinguished value zero indicates that no Call Reference value was returned in the trace transit list." REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation Q.2931 Section 4.3" SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16777215) AtmEndPointReference ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For point-to-multipoint SVCs and the switched connection legs of point-to-multipoint Soft PVCs, the 16-bit Endpoint Reference used by signalling to identify a leaf of the point-to-multipoint connection. The Endpoint Reference is structured in two parts. The most significant bit represents the Endpoint Reference Flag and the 15 least significant bits represent the Endpoint Reference Value. For the same call and leaf, the Endpoint Reference Value is identical on both sides of an interface while the Endpoint Reference Flag is different. For the side originating the endpoint reference, the Endpoint Reference Flag is set to '0' while it is set to '1' for the side not originating the Endpoint Reference. For the permanent connection legs at the root of point-to-multipoint Soft PVCs, the value used to identify a leaf in the atmSoftPVccLeafReference object or the atmSoftPVpcLeafReference object from the ATM-SOFT-PVC-MIB. For the permanent connection legs at the leaf end of point-to-multipoint Soft PVCs, the value 1 shall be used (consistent with the values used for atmSoftPVccLeafReference and atmSoftPVpcLeafReference in the ATM-SOFT-PVC-MIB). The distinguished value -1 indicates that no Endpoint Reference value was returned in the Trace transit list." REFERENCE "ITU-T Recommendation Q.2971 Section 8.2.1, ATM Forum PNNI v1.0 Addendum (Soft PVC MIB), af-pnni-0066.000" SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..65535) AtmTraceRecordIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies a row in the atmTraceRecordTable. The distinguished value zero signifies that no row has been identified." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) AtmTraceOwnerString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "255a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type is used to model an administratively assigned name of the owner of a resource. This information is taken from the NVT ASCII character set. It is suggested that this name contain one or more of the following: ASCII form of the manager station's transport address, management station name (e.g., domain name), network management personnel's name, location, or phone number. In some cases the agent itself will be the owner of an entry. In these cases, this string shall be set to a string starting with 'monitor'. SNMP access control is articulated entirely in terms of the contents of MIB views; access to a particular SNMP object instance depends only upon its presence or absence in a particular MIB view and never upon its value or the value of related object instances. Thus, objects of this type afford resolution of resource contention only among cooperating managers; they realize no access control function with respect to uncooperative parties." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..127)) -- This MIB contains six tables and a number of scalars. The tables -- are: -- Trace Connection Table - trigger connection trace -- Trace Path Test Table - trigger a test connection or party -- Trace Path Filter Table - trigger path trace by filtering calls -- Trace Filter Record Table - correlate records with filters -- Trace Record Table - overall info about a connection or party -- Trace Info Table - detailed trace info for a connection or party -- Trace Interface Table - specify certain PNNI interfaces as -- trace destination interfaces atmTraceBaseGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {atmTraceMIBObjects 1} atmTraceFilterControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables or disables the path trace filtering feature in the ATM device. When this object is modified from 'enable' to 'disable' the records in the atmTraceRecordTable are not removed but filtering is stopped in the device." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { atmTraceBaseGroup 1 } atmTraceMaxConcurrentRequests OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of concurrent active path or connection trace requests (i.e., connections or parties for which trace information gathering has been initiated, but for which no reply has been received yet) that are allowed by the agent. A value of 0 for this object implies that there is no limit on the number of concurrent active requests." ::= { atmTraceBaseGroup 2 } atmTraceAvailableRequests OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of new path or connection trace requests that can be initiated on the agent at this moment in time. This is equal to the maximum number of concurrent active path or connection trace requests that are allowed by the agent (i.e., atmTraceMaxConcurrentRequests), minus the current number of active path or connection trace requests." ::= { atmTraceBaseGroup 3 } atmTraceTransitListMaximumSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1466..65535) UNITS "octets" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum size in octets of the Trace transit list information element generated in any signalling message." DEFVAL { 1466 } ::= { atmTraceBaseGroup 4 } atmTraceConnGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmTraceMIBObjects 2 } atmTraceConnTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtmTraceConnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table whose entries describe existing connections and parties to be traced or in the process of being traced." ::= { atmTraceConnGroup 1 } atmTraceConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTraceConnEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table specifies an existing connection or party to be traced, in the process of being traced, or that has recently been traced. The results of the connection trace are returned in the atmTraceRecordTable and the atmTraceInfoTable. A management station wishing to create an entry should first create the associated instance of the row status and row owner objects, using a value of atmTraceConnIndex that is not currently in use. It must also, either in the same or in successive PDUs, create the associated instance of the objects that identify the connection to be traced. It should also modify the default values for the other configuration objects if the defaults are not appropriate. Once the appropriate instances of all the configuration objects have been created, either by an explicit SNMP set request or by default, the row status should be set to active to initiate the request. Note that this entire procedure may be initiated via a single set request which specifies a row status of createAndGo as well as specifies valid values for the non-defaulted configuration objects. After the connection trace completes, the management station should retrieve the values of the status objects of interest from the atmTraceRecordTable, and should then delete the entry. In order to prevent old entries from clogging the table, entries will be aged out, but an entry will not be deleted within 5 minutes of the last activity." INDEX { atmTraceConnIndex } ::= { atmTraceConnTable 1 } AtmTraceConnEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atmTraceConnIndex Integer32, atmTraceConnOwner AtmTraceOwnerString, atmTraceConnTraceSourceIf InterfaceIndex, atmTraceConnOrigConnType INTEGER, atmTraceConnOrigVpi AtmVpIdentifier, atmTraceConnOrigVci AtmVcIdentifier, atmTraceConnEndPtRef AtmEndPointReference, atmTraceConnCallRef CallReference, atmTraceConnOrigDlci Integer32, atmTraceConnOrigDirection INTEGER, atmTraceConnTraceConnId TruthValue, atmTraceConnTraceCallRef TruthValue, atmTraceConnPassAlongRequest TruthValue, atmTraceConnFailTimeout Integer32, atmTraceConnAgeTimeout Integer32, atmTraceConnRestart INTEGER, atmTraceConnTrapOnCompletion TruthValue, atmTraceConnRecordIndex AtmTraceRecordIndex, atmTraceConnRowStatus RowStatus } atmTraceConnIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer uniquely identifying a connection trace request." ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 1 } atmTraceConnOwner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTraceOwnerString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entity that configured this entry." ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 2 } atmTraceConnTraceSourceIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface at which the connection trace is originated. This object must be specified." ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 3 } atmTraceConnOrigConnType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), atmVcc(2), atmVpc(3), atmCOBISigConn(4), frameRelayVc(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of connection at the trace source interface." DEFVAL { atmVcc } ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 4 } atmTraceConnOrigVpi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the VPI value of the existing connection on the trace source interface. This object only applies when atmTraceConnOrigConnType is set to 'atmVcc' or 'atmVpc'. When this is the case, either this object or atmTraceConnCallRef must be specified. When the atmTraceConnCallRef object is specified, this object may not be set." ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 5 } atmTraceConnOrigVci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the VCI value of the existing connection on the trace source interface. This object only applies when atmTraceConnOrigConnType is set to 'atmVcc'. When this is the case, either this object or atmTraceConnCallRef must be specified. When the atmTraceConnCallRef object is specified, this object may not be set." ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 6 } atmTraceConnEndPtRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmEndPointReference MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Endpoint Reference value identifying a leaf of an existing point-to-multipoint connection. This object does not apply when the connection is not a point- to-multipoint connection." ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 7 } atmTraceConnCallRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CallReference MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the call reference value of the existing connection on the trace source interface. For CO-BI connections, the value of this object must be specified. For other types of connections, either this object or the connection identifier objects (atmTraceConnOrigVpi, atmTraceConnOrigVpi and atmTraceConnOrigVci, or atmTraceConnOrigDlci, as appropriate for the connection type) must be specified. When any of atmTraceConnOrigVpi, atmTraceConnOrigVci, or atmTraceConnOrigDlci are specified, this object may not be set." ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 8 } atmTraceConnOrigDlci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the DLCI value of the existing connection on the trace source interface. This object only applies when atmTraceConnOrigConnType is set to 'frameRelayVc'. When this is the case, either this object or atmTraceConnCallRef must be specified. When the atmTraceConnCallRef object is specified, this object may not be set." ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 9 } atmTraceConnOrigDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { incoming(1), outgoing(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the connection trace is to proceed in the incoming direction from the trace source interface, or in the outgoing direction from the trace source interface." DEFVAL { incoming } ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 10 } atmTraceConnTraceConnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the connection trace shall include connection identifier (e.g. VPI/VCI, DLCI) information." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 11 } atmTraceConnTraceCallRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the connection trace shall include call reference information, and endpoint reference information for point-to-multipoint connections." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 12 } atmTraceConnPassAlongRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the 'pass along request' bit shall be set in the Trace transit list information element. When this object is set to 'true' and systems that do not support connection trace are present in the network, gaps may occur between successive entries in the atmTraceInfoTable identifying logical nodes and logical ports traversed by this connection or party." DEFVAL { true } ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 13 } atmTraceConnFailTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds left before the connection trace is declared to have failed. After this timer expires the value of this object will be zero and the atmTraceConnRecordIndex will also remain at zero. If the timer expires and atmTraceConnTrapOnCompletion is set to 'true', an atmTraceConnCompletion trap will be generated." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 14 } atmTraceConnAgeTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..2147483647) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds left for this entry to age out. On expiry of this timer the display records in the atmTraceRecordTable and atmTraceInfoTable corresponding to this entry are deleted, as well as the atmTraceConnEntry. When the management station modifies this object, the currently running timer, if any, is aborted and a timer is started with the new value of this object. The value '-1' will indicate an infinite timeout value. " DEFVAL { 600 } ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 15 } atmTraceConnRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { restart(1), noop(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value is set to 'restart', the record for this connection trace is cleared and the connection trace is initiated. When the value is set to 'noop' no operation is performed. When read, the value 'noop' is returned." DEFVAL { noop } ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 16 } atmTraceConnTrapOnCompletion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether an atmTraceConnCompletion trap shall be issued on completion of the connection trace. If such a trap is desired, it is the responsibility of the management entity to ensure that the SNMP administrative model is configured in such a way as to allow the trap to be delivered." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 17 } atmTraceConnRecordIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTraceRecordIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the row in the atmTraceRecordTable that was generated by this connection trace. The distinguished value zero indicates that no reply has been received yet or that no reply was received before expiry of atmTraceConnFailTimeout, so no record has been generated." ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 18 } atmTraceConnRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to create and delete entries in this table. When a row is activated, a connection trace is initiated." ::= { atmTraceConnEntry 19 } atmTracePathTestGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmTraceMIBObjects 3 } atmTracePathTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtmTracePathTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table whose entries describe test connections and parties initiated to determine paths across the network. Typically these connections and parties are cleared when the trace destination node is reached, but the entry may be configured to leave the connections up using the atmTracePathTestClearCallAtTDest object." ::= { atmTracePathTestGroup 1 } atmTracePathTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTracePathTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table specifies a test connection or test party that is initiated in order to determine a path across the network. Typically the connection or party is cleared when the trace destination node is reached, but the entry may be configured to leave the connections up using the atmTracePathTestClearCallAtTDest object. The results of the path trace are returned in the atmTraceFilterRecordTable, the atmTraceRecordTable, and the atmTraceInfoTable. A management station wishing to create an entry should first create the associated instance of the row status and row owner objects, using a value of atmTracePathTestIndex that is not currently in use. It must also, either in the same or in successive PDUs, create the associated instance of the address objects. It should also modify the default values for the other configuration objects if the defaults are not appropriate. Once the appropriate instance of all the configuration objects have been created, either by an explicit SNMP set request or by default, the row status should be set to active to initiate the request. Note that this entire procedure may be initiated via a single set request which specifies a row status of createAndGo as well as specifies valid values for the non-defaulted configuration objects. After the test connection or party completes, the management station should retrieve the values of the status objects of interest from the atmTraceRecordTable, and should then delete the entry. In order to prevent old entries from clogging the table, entries will be aged out, but an entry will not be deleted within 5 minutes of completing." INDEX { atmTracePathTestIndex } ::= { atmTracePathTestTable 1 } AtmTracePathTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atmTracePathTestIndex Integer32, atmTracePathTestOwner AtmTraceOwnerString, atmTracePathTestConnType INTEGER, atmTracePathTestConnCastType AtmConnCastType, atmTracePathTestTraceSourceIf InterfaceIndex, atmTracePathTestP2MpNewConn TruthValue, atmTracePathTestOrigVpi AtmVpIdentifier, atmTracePathTestOrigVci AtmVcIdentifier, atmTracePathTestCalledParty AtmAddr, atmTracePathTestCallingParty AtmAddr, atmTracePathTestRxTrafDescrIndex AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex, atmTracePathTestTxTrafDescrIndex AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex, atmTracePathTestClearCallAtTDest TruthValue, atmTracePathTestTraceCrankback TruthValue, atmTracePathTestTraceConnId TruthValue, atmTracePathTestTraceCallRef TruthValue, atmTracePathTestPassAlongRequest TruthValue, atmTracePathTestAgeTimeout Integer32, atmTracePathTestRestart INTEGER, atmTracePathTestTrapOnCompletion TruthValue, atmTracePathTestRecordIndex AtmTraceRecordIndex, atmTracePathTestRowStatus RowStatus } atmTracePathTestIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer uniquely identifying a test connection or test party." ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 1 } atmTracePathTestOwner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTraceOwnerString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entity that configured this entry." ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 2 } atmTracePathTestConnType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), atmVcc(2), atmVpc(3), atmCOBISigConn(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the test connection is a virtual channel connection, a virtual path connection, or a connection- oriented bearer-independent signalling connection." DEFVAL { atmVcc } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 3 } atmTracePathTestConnCastType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmConnCastType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The connection topology type (e.g. point-to-point or point-to-multipoint) of the test connection or party." DEFVAL { p2p } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 4 } atmTracePathTestTraceSourceIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface at which the test connection or test party is originated." ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 5 } atmTracePathTestP2MpNewConn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the test party for a point-to-multipoint connection is initiated on an existing branch (indicated by setting this object to 'false') or whether it is the first party of a new connection (indicated by setting this object to 'true'). This object does not apply when atmTracePathTestConnCastType is set to 'p2p'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 6 } atmTracePathTestOrigVpi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When atmTracePathTestConnCastType is set to 'p2mpRoot' and atmTracePathTestP2MpNewConn is set to 'false' (i.e. path trace of a new party on an existing connection is requested), this object indicates the VPI value of the existing connection on the trace source interface. When atmTracePathTestClearCallAtTDest is set to 'true' and either - atmTracePathTestConnCastType is 'p2p', or - atmTracePathTestConnCastType is 'p2mpRoot' and atmTracePathTestP2MpNewConn is set to 'true', this object is not applicable. When atmTracePathTestClearCallAtTDest is set to 'false', this object indicates the VPI value to be used for the active connection. Note that if the VPI/VCI can be assigned at the other side of the interface, there may be some possibility of VPI/VCI collision for SETUP messages received on this interface, when the other side of the interface does not know that this VPI/VCI value is being used." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 7 } atmTracePathTestOrigVci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When atmTracePathTestConnCastType is set to 'p2mpRoot' and atmTracePathTestP2MpNewConn is set to 'false' (i.e. path trace of a new party on an existing connection is requested), this object indicates the VCI value of the existing connection on the trace source interface. When atmTracePathTestClearCallAtTDest is set to 'true' and either - atmTracePathTestConnCastType is 'p2p', or - atmTracePathTestConnCastType is 'p2mpRoot' and atmTracePathTestP2MpNewConn is set to 'true', this object is not applicable. When atmTracePathTestClearCallAtTDest is set to 'false', this object indicates the VCI value to be used for the active connection. Note that if the VPI/VCI can be assigned at the other side of the interface, there may be some possibility of VPI/VCI collision for SETUP messages received on this interface, when the other side of the interface does not know that this VPI/VCI value is being used. If atmTracePathTestConnType is set to a value other than 'atmVcc', this value is set to zero." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 8 } atmTracePathTestCalledParty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmAddr MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The called party number towards which the test connection or test party is to be initiated." ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 9 } atmTracePathTestCallingParty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmAddr MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The calling party number used for the test connection or test party." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 10 } atmTracePathTestRxTrafDescrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the row of the ATM Traffic Descriptor Table which applies to the receive direction of this test connection (from the point of view of the trace source interface). This object does not apply when the value of atmTracePathTestP2MpNewConn is 'false'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 11 } atmTracePathTestTxTrafDescrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTrafficDescrParamIndex MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the row of the ATM Traffic Descriptor Table which applies to the transmit direction of this test connection (from the point of view of the trace source interface). This object does not apply when the value of atmTracePathTestP2MpNewConn is 'false'." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 12 } atmTracePathTestClearCallAtTDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the test connection or party shall be cleared when the trace destination node is reached. When this is set to 'false', the test connection/party shall be cleared when the entry is deleted using the atmTracePathTestRowStatus object." DEFVAL { true } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 13 } atmTracePathTestTraceCrankback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the path trace shall include crankback information. When this is set to false, as a consequence of the signalling procedures for path trace, trace information will only be returned if the connection or party succeeds." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 14 } atmTracePathTestTraceConnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the path trace shall include connection identifier (e.g. VPI/VCI, DLCI) information." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 15 } atmTracePathTestTraceCallRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the path trace shall include call reference information, and endpoint reference information for point-to-multipoint connections." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 16 } atmTracePathTestPassAlongRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the 'pass along request' bit shall be set in the Trace transit list information element. When this object is set to 'true' and systems that do not support path trace are present in the network, gaps may occur between successive entries in the atmTraceInfoTable identifying logical nodes and logical ports traversed by this connection or party. When this object is set to 'false', trace information might not be returned unless all systems along the path support the path trace functionality." DEFVAL { true } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 17 } atmTracePathTestAgeTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..2147483647) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds left for this entry to age out. On expiry of this timer the display records in the atmTraceRecordTable and the atmTraceInfoTable corresponding to this entry are deleted, as well as the atmTracePathTestEntry. When the management station modifies this object, the currently running timer, if any, is aborted and a timer is started with the new value of this object. The value '-1' will indicate an infinite timeout value. " DEFVAL { 600 } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 18 } atmTracePathTestRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { restart(1), noop(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the value is set to 'restart', the test record for this connection is cleared and the test connection or party is initiated. When the value is set to 'noop' no operation is performed. When read, the value 'noop' is returned." DEFVAL { noop } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 19 } atmTracePathTestTrapOnCompletion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether an atmTracePathTestCompletion trap shall be issued on completion of the path trace. If such a trap is desired, it is the responsibility of the management entity to ensure that the SNMP administrative model is configured in such a way as to allow the trap to be delivered." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 20 } atmTracePathTestRecordIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTraceRecordIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the row in the atmTraceRecordTable that was generated by this test connection or party. The distinguished value zero indicates that no reply has been received yet, so no record has been generated." ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 21 } atmTracePathTestRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to create and delete entries in this table. When a row is activated, a test connection or test party is initiated. When the row is deleted, the test connection or test party is cleared (if it has not already been cleared) and the corresponding entry in the atmTraceRecordTable is deleted." ::= { atmTracePathTestEntry 22 } atmTraceFilterGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmTraceMIBObjects 4 } atmTraceFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtmTraceFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table whose entries describe the filtering criteria for recording of path trace information." ::= { atmTraceFilterGroup 1 } atmTraceFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTraceFilterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table corresponds to a filtering criteria based on which path trace is initiated for connections and parties in the process of being established. This selection criteria is applied against all connections and parties generated or detectedat this ATM device. Only connections and parties being established which match against all of the entry's criteria are recorded in the atmTraceRecordTable. A new entry can be created by specifying a atmTraceFilterIndex value that is currently not being used and also using an appropriate value (createAndGo or createAndWait) for the atmTraceFilterRowStatus object. If a particular connection or party matches multiple entries in the atmTraceFilterTable then multiple entries will be created in the atmTraceRecordTable for each of the matched entries in the atmTraceFilterTable." INDEX { atmTraceFilterIndex } ::= { atmTraceFilterTable 1 } AtmTraceFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atmTraceFilterIndex Integer32, atmTraceFilterOwner AtmTraceOwnerString, atmTraceFilterConnKind BITS, atmTraceFilterConnCastType BITS, atmTraceFilterServiceCategory BITS, atmTraceFilterInIf InterfaceIndexOrZero, atmTraceFilterOutIf InterfaceIndexOrZero, atmTraceFilterCallingPartyPrefix AtmAddr, atmTraceFilterCallingPartyLength Integer32, atmTraceFilterCalledPartyPrefix AtmAddr, atmTraceFilterCalledPartyLength Integer32, atmTraceFilterClearCallAtTDest TruthValue, atmTraceFilterTraceCrankback TruthValue, atmTraceFilterTraceConnId TruthValue, atmTraceFilterTraceCallRef TruthValue, atmTraceFilterPassAlongRequest TruthValue, atmTraceFilterMaxRecords Integer32, atmTraceFilterRecordCountDown Integer32, atmTraceFilterStopTimeout Integer32, atmTraceFilterAgeTimeout Integer32, atmTraceFilterPurge INTEGER, atmTraceFilterTrapEnable TruthValue, atmTraceFilterNumMatches Counter32, atmTraceFilterRowStatus RowStatus } atmTraceFilterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..50) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer uniquely identifying a filtering criteria." ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 1 } atmTraceFilterOwner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTraceOwnerString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entity that configured this entry." ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 2 } atmTraceFilterConnKind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { other(0), svcAndSpvcNotInitiator(1), spvcInitiator(2), svpAndSpvpNotInitiator(3), spvpInitiator(4), atmCOBISigConn(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables the user to track the paths of switched virtual channel/path connections, soft permanent virtual channel/path connections initiated by this node, and soft permanent virtual channel/path connections initiated by other nodes." ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 3 } atmTraceFilterConnCastType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { p2p(0), p2mp(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object restricts the scope of the filter based on the type of topology of connections (point-to-point or point-to-multipoint)." ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 4 } atmTraceFilterServiceCategory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { cbr(0), rtVbr(1), nrtVbr(2), abr(3), ubr(4), gfr(5), other(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object restricts the scope of the filter to calls belonging to service categories represented by this object." ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 5 } atmTraceFilterInIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object restricts the scope of the filter to calls which enter the ATM device through the port represented by this object, or are initiated at this port (e.g. Soft PVCs). It has the value 0, or the ifIndex value of an ATM Interface. The value zero indicates that the scope of the filter is not restricted by the incoming port." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 6 } atmTraceFilterOutIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object restricts the scope of the filter to calls which exit the ATM device through the port represented by this object. It has the value 0, or the ifIndex value of an ATM interface. The value zero indicates that the scope of the filter is not restricted by the outgoing port." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 7 } atmTraceFilterCallingPartyPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmAddr MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The combination of this object and the corresponding instance of atmTraceFilterCallingPartyLength is one selection criteria for this record. To match this selection criteria, a connection setup must have a Calling Party Address which has an initial part (of length atmTraceFilterCalledPartyLength bits) equal in value to atmTraceFilterCallingParty. When the default value for the object is retained then the call will match this filtering criteria for any calling address in the call, or if the calling party number is not present in the call. The value must be padded with zeros from atmTraceFilterCallingPartyLength to the full length of the address (8 octets for E.164 numbers and 20 octets for AESAs)." DEFVAL { "" } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 8 } atmTraceFilterCallingPartyLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..160) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of bits in atmTraceFilterCallingParty that shall be used when matching against the calling party of a new call setup." DEFVAL { 152 } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 9 } atmTraceFilterCalledPartyPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmAddr MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The combination of this object and the corresponding instance of atmTraceFilterCalledPartyLength is one selection criteria for this record. To match this selection criteria, a connection setup must have a called party address which has an initial part (of length atmTraceFilterCalledPartyLength bits) equal in value to atmTraceFilterCalledParty. When the default value for the object is retained then the call will match this filtering criteria for any called address in the call. The value must be padded with zeros from atmTraceFilterCalledPartyLength to the full length of the address (8 octets for E.164 numbers and 20 octets for AESAs)." DEFVAL {""} ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 10 } atmTraceFilterCalledPartyLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..160) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the number of bits in atmTraceFilterCalledParty that shall be used when matching against the called party of a new call setup." DEFVAL { 152 } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 11 } atmTraceFilterClearCallAtTDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the connection or party shall be cleared when the trace destination node is reached." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 12 } atmTraceFilterTraceCrankback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the path trace shall include crankback information. When this is set to false, as a consequence of the signalling procedures for path trace, trace information will only be returned if the connection or party succeeds." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 13 } atmTraceFilterTraceConnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the path trace shall include connection identifier (e.g. VPI/VCI, DLCI) information." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 14 } atmTraceFilterTraceCallRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the path trace shall include call reference information, and endpoint reference information for point-to-multipoint connections." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 15 } atmTraceFilterPassAlongRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the 'pass along request' bit shall be set in the Trace transit list information element. When this object is set to 'true' and systems that do not support path trace are present in the network, gaps may occur between successive entries in the atmTraceInfoTable identifying logical nodes and logical ports traversed by this connection or party. When this object is set to 'false', trace information might not be returned unless all systems along the path support the path trace functionality." DEFVAL { true } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 16 } atmTraceFilterMaxRecords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..214783647) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of entries that are desired in the atmTraceRecordTable on behalf of this filter. The agent will not create more than this number of entries in the table, but may choose to further limit the number of entries for this filter in the atmTraceRecordTable for any reason including the lack of resources. The agent will however dedicate resources for a minimum number of entries in the atmTraceRecordTable, to take care of temporary memory allocation failures in the system. In case of memory allocation failures the agent will utilize these dedicated resources for the creation of the new entries. If memory resource failures continue and the dedicated resources are exhausted then the records in the atmTraceRecordTable are pruned such that the oldest entries are removed to make way for the new entries. A value '-1' will indicate no upper limit for the number of records stored. The manager can set this object to -1 if overwriting of records is not desired. The new value for this object will take effect immediately. If this object is set to a value less than the number of entries that is currently present in the atmTraceRecordTable corresponding to this entry, then the oldest entries in the atmTraceRecordTable will be deleted so that their number equals the new value of this object. If the value of this object is changed from -1 to any other positive value then the entries will be pruned such that only the first n records collected for this entry are retained in the atmTraceRecordTable, n being the new value of this object." DEFVAL { 20 } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 17 } atmTraceFilterRecordCountDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of entries left to be collected in the atmTraceRecordTable before filtering is disabled for this entry. The display records in the atmTraceRecordTable corresponding to this entry are retained. The management station can restart filtering for this entry by setting this object to a positive value (subject to atmTraceFilterRowStatus being 'active' and atmTraceFilterStopTimeout having a positive value or being set to '-1'). When the object is set to zero, filtering is stopped for this entry. When the management station modifies this object, the current value is replaced and the agent counts down from the new value of this object. The value '-1' indicates that filtering will not be automatically disabled based on the number of entries collected in the atmTraceRecordTable." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 18 } atmTraceFilterStopTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..2147483647) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds left for this entry to collect records. On expiry of this timer filtering is disabled for this entry. The display records in the atmTraceRecordTable corresponding to this entry are retained. When the timer expires the object will have a value zero. The management station can restart filtering for this entry by setting this object to a positive value (subject to atmTraceFilterRowStatus being 'active' and atmTraceFilterRecordCountDown having a positive value or being set to '-1'). When the object is set to zero, filtering is stopped for this entry. When the management station modifies this object, the currently running timer, if any, is aborted and a timer is started with the new value of this object. The value '-1' will indicate an infinite timeout value." DEFVAL { 600 } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 19 } atmTraceFilterAgeTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..2147483647) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds left for this entry to age out. On expiry of this timer the display records in the atmTraceFilterRecordTable, atmTraceRecordTable and the atmTraceInfoTable corresponding to this entry are deleted, as well as the atmTraceFilterEntry. When the management station modifies this object, the currently running timer, if any, is aborted and a timer is started with the new value of this object. The value '-1' will indicate an infinite timeout value. " DEFVAL { 600 } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 20 } atmTraceFilterPurge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { purge(1), noop(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object provides a facility for the user to purge the records in the atmTraceRecordTable corresponding to this entry. When the value is set to 'purge', the records in the atmTraceRecordTable corresponding to this entry are purged. When the value is set to 'noop' no operation is performed. When read, the value 'noop' is returned." DEFVAL { noop } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 21 } atmTraceFilterTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether an atmTraceFilterTrap shall be issued the next time a record is added to the atmTraceRecordTable and the atmTraceFilterRecordTable corresponding to this filter. This object automatically resets itself to 'false' each time a trap is generated for this filter. This object must be reset to 'true' before another atmTracePathFilter trap can be generated for this filter entry. If such a trap is desired, it is the responsibility of the management entity to ensure that the SNMP administrative model is configured in such a way as to allow the trap to be delivered." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 22 } atmTraceFilterNumMatches OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A monotonically increasing counter to keep track of the number of calls or parties that matched this entry for the entire lifetime of this entry. " ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 23 } atmTraceFilterRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of this row. Used according to the row installation and removal conventions. This object can be used to temporarily inactivate an entry in the table. When this object is set to a value 'notInService' filtering is stopped for the corresponding row. Any records that have been stored in the atmTraceRecordTable and the atmTraceFilterRecordTable corresponding to this entry will not be released. Any writeable objects in the row can be modified when the row is active. All values will take effect immediately. When this object is set to 'destroy', all corresponding records in the atmTraceFilterRecordTable and the atmTraceRecordTable are deleted." ::= { atmTraceFilterEntry 24 } atmTraceFilterRecordTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtmTraceFilterRecordEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table that lists which trace records have been returned for which trace filters. This table also lists the connection characteristics for each connection record, other than those values returned in the Trace transit list information element." ::= { atmTraceFilterGroup 2 } atmTraceFilterRecordEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTraceFilterRecordEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing the index of a record associated with a given trace filter. This table also lists some of the connection characteristics." INDEX { atmTraceFilterIndex, atmTraceFilterRecordIndex } ::= { atmTraceFilterRecordTable 1 } AtmTraceFilterRecordEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atmTraceFilterRecordIndex AtmTraceRecordIndex, atmTraceFilterRecordConnKind AtmConnKind, atmTraceFilterRecordConnCastType AtmConnCastType, atmTraceFilterRecordServiceCategory AtmServiceCategory, atmTraceFilterRecordInIf InterfaceIndex, atmTraceFilterRecordOutIf InterfaceIndexOrZero, atmTraceFilterRecordCallingParty AtmAddr, atmTraceFilterRecordCalledParty AtmAddr } atmTraceFilterRecordIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTraceRecordIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies a row in the atmTraceRecordTable that was generated by the trace filter identified by atmTraceFilterIndex." ::= { atmTraceFilterRecordEntry 1 } atmTraceFilterRecordConnKind OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmConnKind MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the use of call control (e.g. switched virtual connection or soft permanent virtual connection) of the connection or party on the incoming interface." ::= { atmTraceFilterRecordEntry 2 } atmTraceFilterRecordConnCastType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmConnCastType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the type of topology of the connection (point-to-point or point-to-multipoint) on the incoming interface." ::= { atmTraceFilterRecordEntry 3 } atmTraceFilterRecordServiceCategory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmServiceCategory MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the service category used by the call." ::= { atmTraceFilterRecordEntry 4 } atmTraceFilterRecordInIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IfIndex of the incoming port on which this call was received by the ATM device." ::= { atmTraceFilterRecordEntry 5 } atmTraceFilterRecordOutIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IfIndex of the outgoing port, if available, through which this call was routed to the network. The distinguished value zero indicates that the call was rejected before any outgoing interface was chosen." ::= { atmTraceFilterRecordEntry 6 } atmTraceFilterRecordCallingParty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmAddr MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the ATM adddress of the calling party in the connection or party." ::= { atmTraceFilterRecordEntry 7 } atmTraceFilterRecordCalledParty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmAddr MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the ATM address of the called party in the connection or party." ::= { atmTraceFilterRecordEntry 8 } atmTraceRecordGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmTraceMIBObjects 5 } atmTraceRecordTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtmTraceRecordEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table and the atmTraceInfoTable are used to display the path or connection trace results. Trace information that is not repeated at each hop is shown in this table." ::= { atmTraceRecordGroup 1 } atmTraceRecordEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTraceRecordEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry representing a trace record for one new or existing connection or party." INDEX { atmTraceRecordIndex } ::= { atmTraceRecordTable 1 } AtmTraceRecordEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atmTraceRecordIndex AtmTraceRecordIndex, atmTraceRecordStatus INTEGER, atmTraceRecordCause Integer32, atmTraceRecordDiags OCTET STRING, atmTraceRecordTraceSourcePortId PnniPortId, atmTraceRecordTraceSourceDlci Integer32, atmTraceRecordTraceDestVpi AtmVpIdentifier, atmTraceRecordTraceDestVci AtmVcIdentifier, atmTraceRecordTraceDestCallRef CallReference, atmTraceRecordTraceDestEndPtRef AtmEndPointReference, atmTraceRecordTraceDestDlci Integer32, atmTraceRecordTimeStamp TimeStamp } atmTraceRecordIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTraceRecordIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer used to distinguish between multiple trace records. " ::= { atmTraceRecordEntry 1 } atmTraceRecordStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { traceInProgress(1), traceCompletedNormally(2), traceIncomplete(3), traceExceededIELengthLimitations(4), traceExceededMessageLengthLimitations(5), traceLackResource(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The returned trace status for this connection or party." ::= { atmTraceRecordEntry 2 } atmTraceRecordCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the reason for the call failure. When the call succeeds, the distinguished value zero is returned. When a PNNI Crankback information element is included in the last call clearing message, this object contains the crankback cause. In all other cases, the values are the same as the cause code values defined for the Cause information element." REFERENCE "ATM Forum's UNI3.0/3.1 Specification. " ::= { atmTraceRecordEntry 3 } atmTraceRecordDiags OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the contents of the diagnostics fields from the Cause information element. When the value of atmTraceRecordCause is 49, 'Quality of Service unavailable', the diagnostics are taken from the PNNI Crankback information element instead of the Cause information element." REFERENCE "ATM Forum's UNI3.0/3.1 Specification. " ::= { atmTraceRecordEntry 4 } atmTraceRecordTraceSourcePortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PnniPortId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PNNI logical port ID identifying the trace source interface. The distinguished value zero indicates that no trace source port ID was returned in the Trace transit list." ::= { atmTraceRecordEntry 5 } atmTraceRecordTraceSourceDlci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DLCI used on the trace source interface. The distinguished value zero indicates that no DLCI was included in the Trace transit list for the trace source interface." ::= { atmTraceRecordEntry 6 } atmTraceRecordTraceDestVpi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VPI used on the preceding side of the trace destination interface. The value zero is returned if no VPI was included in the Trace transit list for the trace destination interface." ::= { atmTraceRecordEntry 7 } atmTraceRecordTraceDestVci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VCI used on the trace destination interface. The distinguished value zero indicates that no VCI was included in the Trace transit list for the trace destination interface." ::= { atmTraceRecordEntry 8 } atmTraceRecordTraceDestCallRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CallReference MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The call reference used on the trace destination interface." ::= { atmTraceRecordEntry 9 } atmTraceRecordTraceDestEndPtRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmEndPointReference MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The endpoint reference used on the trace destination interface." ::= { atmTraceRecordEntry 10 } atmTraceRecordTraceDestDlci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DLCI used on the trace destination interface. The distinguished value zero indicates that no DLCI was included in the Trace transit list for the trace destination interface." ::= { atmTraceRecordEntry 11 } atmTraceRecordTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time at which this record entry was created." ::= { atmTraceRecordEntry 12 } atmTraceInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtmTraceInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table in which the detailed trace information (i.e., logical nodes, logical ports, VPI/VCIs, and Call/Endpoint References) of traced connections or parties are recorded." ::= { atmTraceRecordGroup 2} atmTraceInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTraceInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trace information for one hop of an existing or new connection or party. This lists the nodes and ports traversed by the connection or party. VPI/VCIs and Call/Endpoint References may also be included in this entry. Each entry contains trace information added by one node. If there are gaps in the Trace transit list due to the use of the Pass along request flag and the presence of nodes that do not support trace, the gaps will be between successive entries in this table. Since the entries in this table are linked to the entries of the atmTraceRecordTable, the entries are added and removed from the table as and when the corresponding entries in the atmTraceRecordTable are added and removed." INDEX { atmTraceRecordIndex, atmTraceInfoSequenceIndex } ::= { atmTraceInfoTable 1 } AtmTraceInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atmTraceInfoSequenceIndex Integer32, atmTraceInfoNodeId PnniNodeId, atmTraceInfoOutgoingPortId PnniPortId, atmTraceInfoIncomingVpi AtmVpIdentifier, atmTraceInfoIncomingVci AtmVcIdentifier, atmTraceInfoIncomingCallRef CallReference, atmTraceInfoIncomingEndPtRef AtmEndPointReference, atmTraceInfoRefusalIndicator TruthValue, atmTraceInfoCrankBackRcvdAtDest TruthValue, atmTraceInfoCrankBackGap TruthValue, atmTraceInfoCrankBackIndicator TruthValue, atmTraceInfoCrankBackBlockedTransitType INTEGER, atmTraceInfoCrankBackBlockedTransitInfo OCTET STRING, atmTraceInfoCrankBackCause Integer32 } atmTraceInfoSequenceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..200) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index into the list of logical nodes / logical ports traversed by the connection or party. The logical nodes and logical ports are given in order, as specified by this index." ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 1 } atmTraceInfoNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PnniNodeId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The node ID of a logical node traversed by the connection or party." ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 2 } atmTraceInfoOutgoingPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PnniPortId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port ID of the logical node identified in atmTraceInfoNodeId that identifies the logical port used to progress this connection or party towards the called party." ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 3 } atmTraceInfoIncomingVpi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmVpIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VPI used on the succeeding side of the incoming interface of the node identified by atmTraceInfoNodeId. The value zero is returned if no VPI was included in the Trace transit list. If there are no gaps in the Trace transit list, this is the VPI used on the other side of the interface identified by the atmTraceInfoNodeId and atmTraceInfoPortId under the previous atmTraceInfoSequenceIndex." ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 4 } atmTraceInfoIncomingVci OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmVcIdentifier MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VCI used on the incoming interface of the node identified by atmTraceInfoNodeId. The distinguished value zero indicates that no VCI was included in the Trace transit list. If there are no gaps in the Trace transit list, this is the VCI used on the interface identified by the atmTraceInfoNodeId and atmTraceInfoPortId under the previous atmTraceInfoSequenceIndex." ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 5 } atmTraceInfoIncomingCallRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CallReference MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Call Reference used on the incoming interface of the node identified by atmTraceInfoNodeId. If there are no gaps in the Trace transit list, this is the call reference used on the interface identified by the atmTraceInfoNodeId and atmTraceInfoPortId under the previous atmTraceInfoSequenceIndex." ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 6 } atmTraceInfoIncomingEndPtRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmEndPointReference MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Endpoint Reference used on the incoming interface of the node identified by atmTraceInfoNodeId. If there are no gaps in the Trace transit list, this is the endpoint reference used on the interface identified by the atmTraceInfoNodeId and atmTraceInfoPortId under the previous atmTraceInfoSequenceIndex." ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 7 } atmTraceInfoRefusalIndicator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the node identified by the atmTraceInfoNodeId refused to participate in this trace." ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 8 } atmTraceInfoCrankBackRcvdAtDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether a crankback was received at the node identified by the atmTraceInfoNodeId, when that node is the trace destination node and the trace destination interface is not a PNNI interface." ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 9 } atmTraceInfoCrankBackGap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the trace was propagated beyond the node identified by the atmTraceInfoNodeId, but was cranked back, and no trace information was returned by the node initiating crankback." ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 10 } atmTraceInfoCrankBackIndicator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether crankback information (octet group 16 of the Trace transit list information element) is present after the node identified by the atmTraceInfoNodeId, but before the next node identified in the Trace transit list information element." ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 11 } atmTraceInfoCrankBackBlockedTransitType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { blockedIncomingLink(1), blockedNode(2), blockedOutgoingLink(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the type of blockage in case of a blocked call at the node identified by the atmTraceInfoNodeId. This object does not apply if the value of atmTraceInfoCrankBackIndicator is 'false'." ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 12 } atmTraceInfoCrankBackBlockedTransitInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object does not apply if the value of atmTraceInfoCrankBackIndicator is 'false'. When the value of atmTraceInfoCrankBackIndicator is 'true', this object includes the contents of the Blocked Transit Trace Information field from the Trace transit list Information element." REFERENCE "PNNI Addendum for Path and Connection Trace Version 1.0, Section 3.1" ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 13 } atmTraceInfoCrankBackCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object returns the PNNI crankback cause. This object does not apply if atmTraceInfoCrankBackIndicator is set to 'false'." ::= { atmTraceInfoEntry 14 } atmTraceIfGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmTraceMIBObjects 6 } atmTraceIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtmTraceIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to specify trace-related properties of a PNNI interface (e.g. whether a PNNI interface allows tracing over that interface)." ::= { atmTraceIfGroup 1 } atmTraceIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtmTraceIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry representing the trace-related properties of a PNNI interface." AUGMENTS { pnniIfEntry } ::= { atmTraceIfTable 1 } AtmTraceIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atmTraceIfTraceBoundary TruthValue } atmTraceIfTraceBoundary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When this is a PNNI interface, indicates whether path and connection trace will be terminated or refused for outgoing or incoming, respectively, connections or parties on this interface. This object has no effect when this is not a PNNI interface." DEFVAL { false } ::= { atmTraceIfEntry 1 } -- Path and Connection Trace Traps atmTraceMIBTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmTraceMIB 2 } atmTraceMIBTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmTraceMIBTrapsPrefix 0 } atmTraceConnCompletion NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atmTraceConnRecordIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An atmTraceConnCompletion trap is sent when enabled and either a TRACE CONNECTION ACKNOWLEDGE message is received at the trace source node, or after atmTraceConnFailTimeout has passed without any response (i.e., the connection trace fails)." ::= { atmTraceMIBTraps 1 } atmTracePathTestCompletion NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atmTracePathTestRecordIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An atmTracePathTestCompletion trap is sent when enabled and the test connection or test party becomes active on the trace source interface, or is cleared across the trace source interface." ::= { atmTraceMIBTraps 2 } atmTracePathFilterTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atmTraceFilterRecordConnKind } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An atmTracePathFilter trap is sent when the trap is enabled and a record is added to the atmTraceRecordTable and the atmTraceFilterRecordTable corresponding to this filter. The atmTraceFilterTrapEnable object must be reset to 'true' before another atmTracePathFilter trap can be generated by the agent for this filter entry." ::= { atmTraceMIBTraps 3 } -- conformance information atmTraceMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmTraceMIB 3 } atmTraceMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmTraceMIBConformance 1 } atmTraceMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmTraceMIBConformance 2 } -- compliance statements atmTraceMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement the PNNI Addendum for Path and Connection Trace Version 1.0. Groups of objects required to support certain functionality are identified by the suffix MandatoryGroup. Groups of optional objects are identified by the suffix OptionalGroup." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { atmTraceMIBMandatoryGroup } GROUP atmTraceConnAndPathFilterMandatoryGroup DESCRIPTION "Required if connection trace or path trace using filtering of new connection and party establishment messages is supported." GROUP atmTracePathMandatoryGroup DESCRIPTION "Required if path trace is supported." GROUP atmTraceConnMandatoryGroup DESCRIPTION "Required if connection trace is supported." GROUP atmTracePathTestMandatoryGroup DESCRIPTION "Required if path trace using test connections and parties is supported." GROUP atmTracePathFilterMandatoryGroup DESCRIPTION "Required if path trace is supported using filtering of new connection and party establishment messages." OBJECT atmTraceTransitListMaximumSize MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Maximum size of the Trace transit list information element larger than 1466 octets is optional." OBJECT atmTraceConnOrigConnType SYNTAX INTEGER { atmVcc(2) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ability to trace connections other than ATM VCCs (e.g. ATM VPCs, bearer-independent ATM connections, frame relay connections) is optional." OBJECT atmTraceConnOrigDirection SYNTAX INTEGER { incoming(1) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ability to trace connections and parties starting from the outgoing interface of a device is optional." OBJECT atmTracePathTestConnType SYNTAX INTEGER { atmVcc(2) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ability to generate test connections for path trace other than ATM VCCs (e.g. ATM VPCs, bearer-independent ATM connections) is optional." OBJECT atmTracePathTestClearCallAtTDest MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ability to generate test connections and parties that remain active after the path trace is completed is optional." OBJECT atmTraceFilterClearCallAtTDest MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "The ability to indicate call clearing at the trace destination node for calls that match a certain filter at the trace source node is optional." ::= { atmTraceMIBCompliances 1 } -- units of conformance atmTraceMIBMandatoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { atmTraceMaxConcurrentRequests, atmTraceAvailableRequests, atmTraceTransitListMaximumSize, atmTraceRecordStatus, atmTraceRecordTraceSourcePortId, atmTraceRecordTimeStamp, atmTraceInfoNodeId, atmTraceInfoOutgoingPortId, atmTraceInfoRefusalIndicator } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects required when path or connection trace is supported." ::= { atmTraceMIBGroups 1 } atmTraceMIBOptionalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { atmTraceRecordTraceSourceDlci } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of optional objects used for path and connection trace." ::= { atmTraceMIBGroups 2 } atmTraceConnAndPathFilterMandatoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { atmTraceRecordTraceDestVpi, atmTraceRecordTraceDestVci, atmTraceRecordTraceDestCallRef, atmTraceRecordTraceDestEndPtRef, atmTraceRecordTraceDestDlci, atmTraceInfoIncomingVpi, atmTraceInfoIncomingVci, atmTraceInfoIncomingCallRef, atmTraceInfoIncomingEndPtRef } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects required when supporting connection trace or path trace using filtering of new connection and party establishment messages." ::= { atmTraceMIBGroups 3 } atmTracePathMandatoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { atmTraceRecordCause, atmTraceRecordDiags, atmTraceInfoCrankBackRcvdAtDest, atmTraceInfoCrankBackGap, atmTraceInfoCrankBackIndicator, atmTraceInfoCrankBackBlockedTransitType, atmTraceInfoCrankBackBlockedTransitInfo, atmTraceInfoCrankBackCause } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects required when supporting path trace." ::= { atmTraceMIBGroups 4 } atmTraceConnMandatoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { atmTraceConnOwner, atmTraceConnTraceSourceIf, atmTraceConnOrigConnType, atmTraceConnOrigVpi, atmTraceConnOrigVci, atmTraceConnEndPtRef, atmTraceConnOrigDirection, atmTraceConnTraceConnId, atmTraceConnTraceCallRef, atmTraceConnPassAlongRequest, atmTraceConnFailTimeout, atmTraceConnAgeTimeout, atmTraceConnRestart, atmTraceConnRecordIndex, atmTraceConnRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects required when connection trace is supported." ::= { atmTraceMIBGroups 5 } atmTraceConnOptionalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { atmTraceConnCallRef, atmTraceConnOrigDlci, atmTraceConnTrapOnCompletion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of optional objects used for connection trace." ::= { atmTraceMIBGroups 6 } atmTracePathTestMandatoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { atmTracePathTestOwner, atmTracePathTestConnType, atmTracePathTestConnCastType, atmTracePathTestTraceSourceIf, atmTracePathTestP2MpNewConn, atmTracePathTestOrigVpi, atmTracePathTestOrigVci, atmTracePathTestCalledParty, atmTracePathTestTxTrafDescrIndex, atmTracePathTestRxTrafDescrIndex, atmTracePathTestClearCallAtTDest, atmTracePathTestTraceCrankback, atmTracePathTestPassAlongRequest, atmTracePathTestAgeTimeout, atmTracePathTestRestart, atmTracePathTestRecordIndex, atmTracePathTestRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects required when path trace using test connections and test parties is supported." ::= { atmTraceMIBGroups 7 } atmTracePathTestOptionalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { atmTracePathTestCallingParty, atmTracePathTestTraceConnId, atmTracePathTestTraceCallRef, atmTracePathTestTrapOnCompletion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of optional objects used for path trace using test connections and test parties." ::= { atmTraceMIBGroups 8 } atmTracePathFilterMandatoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { atmTraceFilterControl, atmTraceFilterOwner, atmTraceFilterConnKind, atmTraceFilterInIf, atmTraceFilterCalledPartyPrefix, atmTraceFilterCalledPartyLength, atmTraceFilterClearCallAtTDest, atmTraceFilterTraceCrankback, atmTraceFilterTraceConnId, atmTraceFilterTraceCallRef, atmTraceFilterPassAlongRequest, atmTraceFilterMaxRecords, atmTraceFilterStopTimeout, atmTraceFilterAgeTimeout, atmTraceFilterPurge, atmTraceFilterNumMatches, atmTraceFilterRowStatus, atmTraceFilterRecordConnKind, atmTraceFilterRecordConnCastType, atmTraceFilterRecordServiceCategory, atmTraceFilterRecordInIf, atmTraceFilterRecordOutIf, atmTraceFilterRecordCallingParty, atmTraceFilterRecordCalledParty } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects required when path trace is supported using filtering of new connection and party establishment messages." ::= { atmTraceMIBGroups 9 } atmTracePathFilterOptionalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { atmTraceFilterConnCastType, atmTraceFilterServiceCategory, atmTraceFilterOutIf, atmTraceFilterCallingPartyPrefix, atmTraceFilterCallingPartyLength, atmTraceFilterRecordCountDown, atmTraceFilterTrapEnable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of optional objects used for path trace using filtering of new connection and party establishment messages." ::= { atmTraceMIBGroups 10 } atmTraceIfOptionalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { atmTraceIfTraceBoundary } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of optional objects used to configure PNNI interfaces to refuse incoming and terminate outgoing path and connection traces." ::= { atmTraceMIBGroups 11 } atmTraceNotificationOptionalGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { atmTraceConnCompletion, atmTracePathTestCompletion, atmTracePathFilterTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of optional notifications used for path and connection trace." ::= { atmTraceMIBGroups 12 } END * These messages occur for reasons due to normal call processing, not because of the trace feature. For example, call establishment may fail further downstream, beyond the trace destination node. af-cs-0141.000 PNNI Addendum for Path March, 2000 and Connection Trace v1.0 af-cs-0141.000 PNNI Addendum for Path March, 2000 and Connection Trace v1.0 Page 2 of 50 ATM Forum Technical Committee Page 7 of 50 ATM Forum Technical Committee fb-cs-0141.000 PNNI Addendum for Path March, 2000 and Connection Trace v1.0 PNNI Addendum for Path fb-cs-0141.000 and Connection Trace v1.0 March, 2000 Page 40 of 50 ATM Forum Technical Committee Page 45 of 50 ATM Forum Technical Committee PNNI Addendum for Path fb-cs-0141.000 and Connection Trace v1.0 March, 2000 ATM Forum Technical Committee Page 1 of 50